I am embarrassed by how carried away I got - many orders, some huge. I don't even know if I like all I got, something in my brain went nuts. Oh well. I was actually less than impressed when I look back at the deals. PfD - wish I had just got the polishes I wanted at Nailland when they came out, the discounts were less than impressive, few things I actually wanted and the BF polishes were not that impressive. I went very OTT on Polish Me Silly, which was a good deal but the shipping was insanely expensive and I'm not convinced they're going to be as good as they look on her swatches... Victorian Varnish - I quite like what I ordered but I bought a few maybe I should have skipped trying to get to the gift with purchase - and I've since seen it and I don't like it! It's just a glitter topper. BKL - all the swatchers were saying that the newsletter discount code stacked with the BF discount - it didn't but I bought anyway. Bought a bundle of Pahlishes, nice but at £12 each not that cheap and I'm not sure I'll like the freebies... My Cuticula order was one that felt like a really good price, and nice things (fingers crossed) - also got a few scented topcoats so they'll at least be useful! Also went nuts and bought Sparkle & Shine (mysteries) and a couple of Potions with the mystery Xmas set and a bundle more DRK pigments. Oh yes, and GLL (probably at least one I'm not bothered about but again got carried away). I was horrified with myself by the end of it and decided I needed to cut down. Oh, forgot I added a few to my Nailland order and ordered it to ship. I was horrified at how much I'd spent, promised to be much more mindful for a while and try to top up my savings again, because this put a big dent in them. Then on Saturday I got an email informing me that the contract for my second job had been terminated

So it's going to be very hard to replace what I spent as I'd planned to.
So with all of that, I have no open order at Nailland to add PPU to and although there are a few polishes I really like (but no must-haves) I will have to skip this time. I don't want to open another Nailland box and I still have to pay Stackry shipping fee (which will also be huge). I could send to Stackry this time but I have spent so much I hope to stay strong.
I'm so impressed with your ability to stop shopping, I need to feel that soon! Without second income now, I need to be much more selective with what I buy going forward so I stay within budget and will try very hard to do so.
Thank god BF is once a year - and I hope I remember this feeling for next time!