Nail Polish Swatches - all brands


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OPI - Holiday Glow (Holiday 2009)
You really can't see the gold sparkle in this picture. But it's a gorgeous color.



Well-known member
All in daylight unless stated otherwise and all with Seche Vite as a top coat
Please click on the thumbnails for bigger pictures.

ZOYA - Irene, two coats

In sunlight
With NailTek Foundation II for a matte finish

China Glaze - Agent Lavender, two coats

In partial sunlight
China Glaze - Orange Marmalade, two coats
Konad m65 with China Glaze - Poetic

OPI - Royal Rajah Ruby, two coats
Konad m65 with China Glaze - Emotion

In sunlight

ZOYA - Raven, two coats
Konad m25 motif with China Glaze - Devotion
p2 (german drugstore brand) - 020 Opulent, one coat

In sunlight



Well-known member

thumb - OPI Bikini Envy
index - MAC Peppermint Patti
middle - Essie Mint Candy Apple
ring - China Glaze For Audrey
little - MAC Seasonal Peach


Well-known member
China Glaze - For Audrey
Sorry for the messy application!


It's a bit streaky and blotchy with one coat. Two coats is opaque, but I did three coats just to see if it makes a difference. It doesn't make a huge difference but I like the color a little better with three coats.


Well-known member
All in daylight unless stated otherwise and all with Seche Vite as a top coat
Please click on the thumbnails for bigger pictures.

OPI - Smitten With Mittens, two coats

China Glaze - Emerald Sparkle, two coats

p2 - 210 eternal (black cream), one coat
China Glaze - Emerald Sparkle, one coat
