Nail Polish Swatches - all brands


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China Glaze Tronica Digital Dawn

China Glaze Tronica Gamer Glam


MAC Frayed To Order

China Glaze Crackle Glaze Lightning Bolt over High Def

China Glaze Crackle Glaze Broken Hearted over Essie Hot Coco


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Excuse my gross cuticles and hang nails. I hate the winter time :(

Sephora by OPI Under My Trench Coat

CG Broken Hearted over CG Recycle

CG Black Mesh over CG Broken Hearted over CG Recycle

CG Cracked Concrete over CG Grape Pop

OPI My Private Jet

CG Tronica - Virtual Violet, Techno Teal, Cyberspace, Hologram. THESE ARE AMAZING!!!!

CG Cyberspace

CG Techno Teal


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OPI Nail Polish Swatches

Hope you enjoy my OPI nail polish swatches :) After swatching all of these colours, I discovered that I have very few light pastel spring colours in my OPI collection. Which ones do you recommend?

1. This colour is unknown (it is a mini polish that did not come with a label) 2. Glim-merry Gold 3. Mad as a Hatter 4. DS Shimmer 5. Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees Suede 6. Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees 7. Absolutely Alice 8. Sahara Sapphire 9. Loyalty Islands Lilac 10. Venus Di Violet 11. Shanghai Shimmer (this one has changed colour since I got it. It used to be a pretty light pink with a green duochrome, now it is a brownish purple with a green duochrome) 12. Significant Other Colour 13. DS Diamond 14. Parlez-Vous OPI? 15. Done Out in Deco 16. A Grape Fit 17. Catherine the Grape 18. Lincoln Park After Dark Suede 19. Concord Grape 20. Yes…I Can Can 21. OPI Ink 22. Purple with a Purpose 23. Plugged-In Plum 24. Glove You So Much 25. Dear Santa 26. Meet & Jingle 27. Thanks So Muchness! 28. Smitten with Mittens 29. Off with her Red! 30. Ecuadorable Coral 31. Brainiac (Sephora by OPI) 32. Baguette Me Not 33. You’re Such a Kabuki Queen 34. No Spain No Gain 35. La Paz-itively Hot 36. The Lifeguard Makes Me Blush 37. Shorts Story 38. Mall Queen Mauve (Nicole by OPI) 39. Japanese Rose Garden 40. Not So Bora-Boring Pink 41. Don’t Melbourne the Toast 42. Got a Date To-Knight 43. Rosy Future 44. Italian Love Affair 45. Pink of Hearts 46. Hawaiian Orchid 47. Kiss on the Chic 48. Pearl of Wisdom


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Skittles swatches of four polishes from Zoya's Sunshine collection for summer 2011: (i have more pics on my blog if anyone is interested!)

from left to right: Apple, Tanzy, Rica, Reva

from left to right: Reva, Rica, Tanzy, Apple


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Zoya Tanzy

Zoya Reva (blurred to show the gold shimmer)

Zoya Apple

Comparison of Zoya Apple vs Ivanka

Zoya Rica

Zoya Roxy

China Glaze Visit Me in Prism

China Glaze Sugar Plums

Eyeko Cosmic

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