nail problems?


Well-known member
i've been letting my nails grow and my thumb nail keeps getting breakage in the pink (sorry, i don't know the real term) area. on top of that sometimes the white area starts to..kind of split into layers? i keep filing them down but i know i'm just making them weaker but i can't think of anything else to do. is there a product or a diet change i should be doing? thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Hi monirock! I used to have HORRIBLE nails...they always had white spots on them, split, peel, was beyond frustrating! My diet was horrible...filled with fast food and sweets, and carbs (I love carbs and would never cut them out of my life but now I eat more protein WITH my carbs rather than just carbs alone). But at least take a multivitamin! I've never taken a Hair/skin/nails vitamin but i'm sure that wouldn't hurt, but please take a multivitamin. It will definately help, if not for your nails at least for your body!
I'm sure you can try brush on nail protiens and strengtheners, too. HTH!

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Do you work with a lot of chemicals? Because the nail bed is poreous and it soaks up everything that it comes in contact with so it could be that your nails are soaking up some pretty bad things. Also, I recommend a multivitamin. They never hurt. Maybe you should get a good clear nail polish that strenthens and protects and just keep that on for a bit.


New member
keep them filed....try not to use polish with formaldehyde and eat right or take a mulit Vitamin...sounds strange but I take a kids one and it has been better for me than any adult one I've ever tried!

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Oh, and I learned while taking nail technology that you should file your nails from the outside to the center.
Left to right center and right to left center. Hope that helps.


Well-known member
thanks again, i'll try the filing technique. i'm too embarrassed to go to the manicurist till they act right.


Well-known member
Getting proffesional manicures is actually the best way to get your nails on track (don't worry we see all sorts of nails or the lack of them) try having one once a month you will deffinitely see an improvement.
Also are you using a nail and cuticle oil if not that will also help and so will a nail strenghener (not protein based these work best on overly dry and brittle nails) we do a product called Brixton that work brilliantly on flaky nails if you want I can get you a bottle on my staff discount and send it to you (where based in the UK).
Also file from sides to center and lightly buffing the nail helps increase nail growth.

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