Name that Lippie !!!!


Well-known member
oh I hear you on the tube. I have this in sample tester forms.. but caved and ordered the tube. Since it's square it is sleeping with my YSLs which are also square.. lol. Even so, my mess is a project for a NASA engineer.. lol


Well-known member
Hahaha! Can't help but get a little OCD about it sometimes
It's so true---I like uniformity and those odd shaped tubes throw everything off!

Heavenly Hybrid, no liner. There's something about this shade that I'm not crazy about.
Oh I love both on you----way too pretty to toss---maybe wear them more

Quote: Originally Posted by geeko

ty her greyness.. u ladies always make my day. Ive finally found pple who share the same love for lippies as me. Love ya all !


Well-known member
Went to watch  maleficent with my guy yesterday. It was a great movie btw and wore a dark burgundy red to watch it since i was feeling dark as i was watchin a dark movie  hahaha! Wearing MAC studded kiss lipstick and Talk that talk lip pencil.. (I hate the texture of Talk that talk... i love the colour but the Texture is TOO DRYING damn) PROBABLY need to get currant or nightmoth :X 
That is gorgeous! I'm going to try that combo. I feel better now that I missed TTT lippie and just got the pencil.


Well-known member
I'm thinking of purging a couple lipsticks from my stash. I'm not sure whether I want to or not but I figured taking photos to compare would help me decide. Here are two:
New York Apple, no liner. This looks nicer than I remember.
Heavenly Hybrid, no liner. There's something about this shade that I'm not crazy about.
I love both of these, and I think they both look nice on you. I haven't worn my NYA for awhile. I'm going to have to dig it out after seeing it on all of you.


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]I promised to snap a pic of Moxie[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Below I'm wearing Chanel Orange Intense lip pencil topped w/Chanel Sunny glossimer.  [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]I wish I had proper lighting & a camera other than my iPAD to show [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]the true beauty of this lip combo.[/COLOR]
Moxie is gorgeous! That's one that I don't have. I Pads are not easy to take pictures with, are they? You look beautiful, nonetheless.


Well-known member
Got new goodies to share!  First my bare lips. I think the lighting washes the colour out a touch, I'd say they are slightly more pigmented than they look here. Then I have some Playland lippies. So in love with these. Love Amplifieds, love these colours. Mac is killing me - and my low buy - with all the lustres (my other favourite finish) and amplifieds lately.  Happy Go Lucky - looks even brighter and a little cooler IRL. The brightest pink I own - a year or so I would have been scared of this (and I still don't think I would go any brighter - CYY I'm looking at you).  Red Balloon. A little pinker IRL. Seriously considering backing this up when it comes out in store, and I don't do BUs.  Finally Siren Song. Impossible to do this justice in a photo. (This was taken at the same time and in the same lighting as the Playland pics, camera phone obviously couldn't deal!)  Will look gorgeous with a smokey eye, but also perfect for a 'no makeup' look. 
The pinks/brights are gorgeous on you, Jenny. Love the Playland lippies. So bright and fun.


Well-known member
OMG Mandy---you're correct about your natural lip color versus Faux!!! Your eyes are stunning BTW!!!!

Nice Dominique----I went the way of FF too and it is very nice IRL
Love you in brights too!

I love MAC too Dominique!!!

MRV, my MRV. Hi honey!!! This is a lovely color on you!!!

Both colors suit you Dominique!

What a difference w/liners and aluminizes!!! Amazing!


They're so pretty!

Thank you, Med!
I love brown lippies (too!). Need to wear Tabla more. Another brown I recently got and one that I'm excited to wear in the fall is Cliff Hanger - an orange based brown - from Impulse. I think it's a perfect shade, I want more orange based lippies!

Originally Posted by Dolly Snow

You are so beautiful. I can't believe your age at all
you look way way younger than that
Med looks gorgeous!

TY for all the great lippie pics. Need to dig into my stash now!


Well-known member
I thought I'd put some of the Patentpolish lippies here while they're still available. I'm NW15/20, pink pigmented lip color. The first one is Pleasant
The below pic has Pleasant on top and on the bottom is Urban Decay's F bomb.. I love the color of F Bomb, although their pencils require sharpening fairly often
Next is PatentPink.


Well-known member
I thought I'd put some of the Patentpolish lippies here while they're still available. I'm NW15/20, pink pigmented lip color. The first one is Pleasant
The below pic has Pleasant on top and on the bottom is Urban Decay's F bomb.. I love the color of F Bomb, although their pencils require sharpening fairly often
Next is PatentPink.
Very beautiful I may pick up patentpink in Sharon's collection


Well-known member
I thought I'd put some of the Patentpolish lippies here while they're still available. I'm NW15/20, pink pigmented lip color. The first one is Pleasant
The below pic has Pleasant on top and on the bottom is Urban Decay's F bomb.. I love the color of F Bomb, although their pencils require sharpening fairly often
Next is PatentPink.
Just beautiful ! :)

Dolly Snow

I thought I'd put some of the Patentpolish lippies here while they're still available. I'm NW15/20, pink pigmented lip color. The first one is Pleasant
The below pic has Pleasant on top and on the bottom is Urban Decay's F bomb.. I love the color of F Bomb, although their pencils require sharpening fairly often
Next is PatentPink.


Well-known member
It's so true---I like uniformity and those odd shaped tubes throw everything off!

Oh I love both on you----way too pretty to toss---maybe wear them more


Quote: Originally Posted by burghchick

I love both of these, and I think they both look nice on you. I haven't worn my NYA for awhile. I'm going to have to dig it out after seeing it on all of you.
Well y'all have convinced me. I'll stick HH at the top of my bin so I get more wear out of it. Granted it is a nice summery color so maybe it was a seasonal thing. When FoF released it still felt like winter was lingering.


Specktra Bestie
I seriously need to stop looking at this thread. It does my wallet no good.

However, since I can't stay away, I figured I'd at least tempt others to spend money at the same time... Here are a couple of shots of Armani's Rouge Ecstasy lipsticks, which are my new favourite things in the world. Seriously love this formula. It's quite unlike anything else I've come across.

Dolci (#510)


Attitude (#601)

The 400 (#400...)

Diva (#502)

These really do seem like a balm with a lot of pigment that gives a stained effect to the lips. They can highlight some imperfections, but I also find that wearing them for a few hours actually improves the condition of my lips to the point where the imperfections aren't really visible anymore. I swear, I want to collect all of these, even the ones that aren't especially flattering on my skin tone, because I love the formula so much.


Well-known member
I seriously need to stop looking at this thread. It does my wallet no good.  However, since I can't stay away, I figured I'd at least tempt others to spend money at the same time... Here are a couple of shots of Armani's Rouge Ecstasy lipsticks, which are my new favourite things in the world. Seriously love this formula. It's quite unlike anything else I've come across.  Dolci (#510) 
Attitude (#601) [COLOR=CD69A1] [/COLOR] The 400 (#400...) [COLOR=CD69A1] [/COLOR] Diva (#502) [COLOR=CD69A1] [/COLOR] These really do seem like a balm with a lot of pigment that gives a stained effect to the lips. They can highlight some imperfections, but I also find that wearing them for a few hours actually improves the condition of my lips to the point where the imperfections aren't really visible anymore. I swear, I want to collect all of these, even the ones that aren't especially flattering on my skin tone, because I love the formula so much.
You look beautiful in all of them!

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