Napoleon Perdis cosmetics


Originally Posted by mspixieears
The MAs tend to make people way too orange whenever you get a makeover!!!

It must be an essential part of the Napoleon look, as the man himself looks VERY orange in most of the photo's I have seen of him!

I'm another who thinks the brand is a bit too overpriced, and I have also heard the "re branding" reports.... I understand that a number of brands do it, but it seems a little underhanded when the product is being marketed as the brainchild of a makeup artist!! :confused:
Overall Mac seems to be much more highly regarded in Australia!!


Active member
Originally Posted by misspresh
Napoleon products are not worth the price and hype. Some of the products are so-so, like the mosaic bronzer etc, but there's much better elsewhere and the whole line is overrated.

I know people who have done his makeup course and say it's a waste of time, and it's fact that he rebrands La Femme eyeshadows.

Don't waste your time, sorry.

And hello voguettes!

Yes, hello voguettes
That's where I read about how horrible his course was, from good old vogue. It saved me from doing one..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinkykss
I hate people calling this Brand the "Australian MAC".... mostly because Napoleon himself is a national embarresment (you'll understand if you see what he looks like) but also because a lot of his products are much cheaper names, rebranded

Sorry about that, I believe I said that. I'm not originally from Australia though. MAC is definitely better quality, and consistently better and yes, I do agree that Napoleon is overpriced. It's sort of funny, he's orange and does tend to 'over-orange' people at foundation consultations.

Like HotPinkHeels, I picked up a buttload of great bargains when they moved from one major department store to the rival one, the one which is a bit more posh, so perhaps they are trying to 'up' his profile and that of his brand.


Well-known member
It's funny how all the voguettes unite at the sight of 'napoleon' and give the man no mercy

The only thing I like about Napoleon is their primer (which is fantastic!) and I do use their brushes because they're considerably cheaper than MAC with the same kinda quality. Other than those, I wouldn't even want to look at their stuff... They are way overpriced!


Well-known member
some muaer told me this company is not an OFFICIAL napoleon's a makeup company that uses another line of an existing cosmetic line and pasted their label on the products.


Well-known member
I saw this brand back in November at a Saks on Long Island and remember thinking, "Why the HELL are you carrying THIS crap here and yet making me trek to the Manhattan store for Armani?"

I remember the very vivid colours, but, thinking the packaging sucked horribly.

I then saw the line at Henri Bendel mid-December and decided a horrible plague was spreading across all the high-end department stores


Well-known member
The only good thing from Napoleon was the pigment discs that were around eight or so years ago when he was really chasing the professional market - I have a disc of pure red pigment that is wonderful.

Since the company changed focus to consumer products, the line has been awful.

(Sorry, thread revival!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
The only good thing from Napoleon was the pigment discs that were around eight or so years ago when he was really chasing the professional market - I have a disc of pure red pigment that is wonderful.

Since the company changed focus to consumer products, the line has been awful.

(Sorry, thread revival!)

Don't apologise, thread revivals are a-ok!

Wow, I had no idea about the rebranding, I thought some of their stuff was ok but mainly just nice-looking and a bit expensive. And really, can you ever learn to trust a person who looks orange and will most likely paint you orange??? No human is naturally orange! (not that I know of)

Admittedly, he does encourage ridicule based on the way he looks alone, but I didn't think that my mentioning that would be really helpful to the initial poster who wanted to know if it was worth getting a job at her local Napoleon counter. Generally he isn't looked upon with much respect here, it's true.


Well-known member
A lovely girlfriend of mine got me a lipgloss from this brand, 'Satin Lips' gloss in 'Nickie' - a peach/orange sort of colour. I have to say, it's not too bad, and reminds me of a 'poor man's version' of MAC chromeglasses, except that the SL doesn't last as long and the MAC c/gs go on much more smoothly.

They are just about as expensive as MAC chromeglasses, so they may be worth looking into if anyone becomes too distraught about c/gs becoming extinct as no doubt they soon will. Sob!


Well-known member
Thank a lot guys... you make the brand sound shit and I'm supposed to be going to the Napoleon Academy to start my career as a make-up artist... This is making me think twice and there aren't many "high quailty" make-up schools that I've found...


Active member
Originally Posted by Modil
some muaer told me this company is not an OFFICIAL napoleon's a makeup company that uses another line of an existing cosmetic line and pasted their label on the products.

I was just looking at its face high-lighter today (the "mosaic" one), it's exactly the same one I bought at Shoppers Drug Mart 2 years ago. Even the black compact is the same. But they're now selling it for twice the price!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cookie_monsta2504
Thank a lot guys... you make the brand sound shit and I'm supposed to be going to the Napoleon Academy to start my career as a make-up artist... This is making me think twice and there aren't many "high quailty" make-up schools that I've found...

For Australians... there isn't much variety of make up school so going to Napoleon Academy isn't a bad idea. I'm no makeup artist so I don't know the industry well, but if you do a search on the Vogue forum, there're heaps of threads about makeup schools. HTH


Active member
Originally Posted by Kiko
I was just looking at its face high-lighter today (the "mosaic" one), it's exactly the same one I bought at Shoppers Drug Mart 2 years ago. Even the black compact is the same. But they're now selling it for twice the price!

Ooh, one of my girlfriends is in love with the mosaic bronzer - can anyone tell me what the brand is that makes this, I mean the non-napoleon branded one?


Well-known member
Napoleon Perdis products are basic rebranded stock from cosmetic chemist companies, put into embossed packages and given cutesy names. You could save a bundle just from buying the unbranded product directly from a beauty supply place.


Well-known member
i had ordered the napoleon perdis lip lacquer through the saks 5th ave website. the color is crystal pink. well the shipping was lightninig fast - came 2 days later - and this is a very pretty color and is a very generous size tube 21ml. the only problem is that it is super sticky, almost like glue (yuck), but i will still use it cause the color is nice and im sure it will last all day since its so damm sticky lol


Does anybody else find it strange that the Napoleon course costs more than any other in Australia. Yet you don't need ANY training to work for them.

I am at Media Make Up Academy in Adelaide, and it is an amazing school and all of my teachers are very creative inspirational people. It is the best thing I have ever decided to do.


At least on Spectra posts that tell the truth about the brand dont get deleted. As on Vogue since Napoleon pays for advertising the majority negative posts get deleted
Hello to all the loverly Voguettes.

I originally said MUA not Specktra, I was really tired when I posted. sorry.


New member
Originally Posted by zoebeee
At least on MUA posts that tell the truth about the brand dont get deleted. Hello to all the loverly Voguettes.

I am Not sure what you mean by that statement. Would you care to explain a bit more or if you like you can PM me.

People are free to tell how they feel about a product or line as long as they don't attack other members.
A member may edit their message at anytime and we as mods can not control what they choose to erase from their own post.

Got a PM from Zoe. Thanks


Staff member
Originally Posted by xxElusivexx
Yes, hello voguettes
That's where I read about how horrible his course was, from good old vogue. It saved me from doing one..

Here is reference to the voguettes.... HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by a914butterfly
i had ordered the napoleon perdis lip lacquer through the saks 5th ave website. the color is crystal pink. well the shipping was lightninig fast - came 2 days later - and this is a very pretty color and is a very generous size tube 21ml. the only problem is that it is super sticky, almost like glue (yuck), but i will still use it cause the color is nice and im sure it will last all day since its so damm sticky lol

oh gosh
i have the exact same one[same colour, same lipgloss]
i got it when i had my formal make-up done( looked nice
if only it wasnt soooooo sticky ;( :confused: :confused:

its a gorgous colour but tooo sticky *sigh*

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