NARS Audacious Lipstick


Well-known member
Yes they are 30 € each, 20% is very interesting all the more as the collection has not launched on our Nars online store yet. I know why lol most stock was sent to the US, that is why we get them so late. ! The Nars girl told me about the stock :) I think it is 30 € every where ,


Well-known member
Yes they are 30 € each, 20% is very interesting all the more as the collection has not launched on our Nars online store yet. I know why lol most stock was sent to the US, that is why we get them so late. ! The Nars girl told me about the stock :) I think it is 30 € every where ,
Oh! Are you just getting those four?


Well-known member
Yes Janet, Charlotte, Marlène and Olivia. I will get some but not now because they are perm, no hurry lol, I picked up the ones I wanted, Rita would have been à good option too but I have many classic reds :) Those 4 only !
Yes. I also like Grace but there's no rush ;-)


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Well-known member
I''m so late I was coming to tell everyone about Dominique. But I'm pleasantly surprised that since I just found out it's still there. I also ordered Silvia Lol. So far the only one I have is Deborah and I love it. I like brown lips though. I guess it's the 90's in me. I want Leslie and Liv and I think I'm good. Oh wait I need Fanny too. Dang these for being so awesome!

Dolly Snow

[@]Dolly Snow[/@] I'm tempted to get more but have resisted so far lol I had thought two would be enough til they actually arrived lol Sephora is not helping with the 8% rebate on ;-)
Lol oh girl that also helps you want more. I'm heading to sephora, with no money to swatch these :lol: probably a bad idea. I'm only going because I am right by a sephora currently :sneaky:


Well-known member

I feel like I'm in a crack house with a bunch of addicts.............but in a good way ...beautiful addicts

I still want Audrey & maybe Bette
Throw pies at me..please (I love pie)