Nars brushes?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary
hi al, i know this section if for counterfeit mac, but i wasnt sure where to put it, so please move it if needed...

what are your thoughts on these brushes? im having trouble finding nars brushes but these are ridiculously well-priced!

Ummmmmmmm.. seeing that the seller sells "MAC brush sets", I'll just walk away but that's my opinion and choice.


Well-known member
Yes i remember reading somewhere that they no longer sell sets. and those prices are ridiculous! i think ill stick to slowly building my brush collection and leaving the out-of-control purchasing to lipgloss and eye shadow!

thanks love


Well-known member
i've bought 3 or 4 Nars brushes (with ridiculous prices too) on eBay and they was ALL fake !!

I'll never buy brushes on eBay anymore...


Glad I found this thread... I was looking for some new brushes on ebay, and saw a set of 24 NARS brushes, which is pretty much their complete run of brushes. So, the buy it now price is just 70 pounds, which seems far far too good to be true, given that those brushes go for 10-40 pounds individually. And they are not sold, at least not through as a full set or in a leather wallet...

Has anyone encountered this seller, or a deal like this? Should I steer several miles clear?

thanks for any advice