NARS Spring 2013


Well-known member
yaaaaa now I'm scared of Seduction. And i apply ALL Nars blushes with a large powder brush. I've tried Dolce Vita before and it makes me look super red...i think it doesn't really work on cool skintones to be honest. At least not on NW25 ish skintones....
That's what I think.
I don't think Seduction is good on lighter skin or cool skintones because it's darker and redder than Dolce Vita.


Well-known member
I like pink eyeshadow coz they really bring out the golden flecks in my eyes. My hubby said my eyes look like honey when i wear pink shades. The pink duo is a must for me for that reason, and so are the other two eyeshadows but mainly because they'r fun

yaaaaa now I'm scared of Seduction. And i apply ALL Nars blushes with a large powder brush. I've tried Dolce Vita before and it makes me look super red...i think it doesn't really work on cool skintones to be honest. At least not on NW25 ish skintones....

hey Elegant
Can you please swatch them both when you receive them? Pretty please
eyes like honey,,,thats Hot

I would do that for you my dear
Hope they ship right away.


Well-known member
Seduction will be fabulously beautiful washed over pale skin!!! Do not be afraid pale beauties. And, it will be equally stunning on WOC for that perfect flush.


Well-known member
I have the blush and lipstick sitting in my Sephora cart. I definitely want them, but I keep getting the feeling that I should wait for some reason.


Well-known member
I want the blush, lipstick and Persia single eyeshadow. Since all these are perm, I'm not in a hurry, but I'm also impatient. This collection is so gorgeous.


Well-known member
Thanks, VampyCouture! So what are you getting? I haven't used any of the products - hope they look just as nice when I start painting them on :D :D
Dressed to Kill Lipstick
Persia Single Eyeshadow
Seduction Blush

That gloss pencil looks sensational in the swatches, so I might get that a little later as well!


Well-known member
Disco Inferno Nail Polish review + swatches by Temptalia:


Specktra Bestie
The review of Mad Mad World from T:

Btw, only got B+? I seriously don't get it.
She said it lasted 8 hours (I think it's long-lasting enough!) and I can't still find any drawback of it from her review.
I think it's because of the weaker colour payoff on the green shade. It does look wicked powdery in her swatch photo. I'm guessing it might apply better damp than dry. Lucky that Nars shadows work both ways!


Well-known member
I ordered Seduction last night (along with Mata Hari and Luster) so you friends can get off my jock now.
(Sorry, my daughter says that to us.) Rad's swatch is making me lem the lipstck again. It looks gorgeous on her skin.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
ummm Karen and T are grading Bouthan completely different from each other :/ I think I still will buy all eye shadow products from this collection. Pinks are usually a bit powdery so I have to see how it performs on the eyes.


Specktra Bestie
ummm Karen and T are grading Bouthan completely different from each other :/ I think I still will buy all eye shadow products from this collection. Pinks are usually a bit powdery so I have to see how it performs on the eyes.
Yeah, I'm very confused by that. It's like they didn't even get the same product. If I end up with Bouthan, I'm also going to have to see how it works as a blush combo...

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