Order placed
. I've decided on Ramatuelle and Never Say Never. Also found a promo code for Narscosmetics.eu that still works for mini Orgasm Illuminator

I'm pretty much hooked on Ramatuelle from the beginning anyways, because I wanted a simple eye makeup look for summer (if summer ever comes here!).
And messywands sold me on Never Say Never. Besides, I don't have a matte lilac purple lippie
MissQQ - The thing that throws me off from Liberte is I think it could look a little too dirty when one put too much on, so instead of looking fresh it looks like too much sun. Granted, this look might be good for summer, but I'm not a fan of that on myself. I always feel like I'm looking tired whenever I have this too much sun look

. That's why after she said it looks too much like Gilda, I won't get it... I don't even reach for Gilda that often (Gina is my go to blush).
I just googled for Mandchourie. Ohhh it's pretty too! I think it'll be great for those formal evening events (not that I have one to go to. LOL)