Natural Lighting


Well-known member
Hello everyone. I'm up at 5:30 am and I don't have natural lighting as it's still dark outside. When I apply my makeup, I think that looks good. As I drive into work and the sun is rising I check my mirror and "OMG, that's not supposed to look like that, that's too dark, what was I thinking." What do you do when you don't have natural light? TIA


Well-known member
You should try experimenting with different bulbs...I find the yellow-tinged and the milky coated ones usually give off the most unnatural light. I'd try the clear ones, or cool tinged bulbs.


Well-known member
You could also try the lights they use on people who have SAD. The emit the closest thing to natural sunlight, they're usually a little pricier then normal ones but they'll boost your energy levels and give your makeup a better chance of being what you wanted.


Well-known member
What's SAD?

Originally Posted by knoxydoll
You could also try the lights they use on people who have SAD. The emit the closest thing to natural sunlight, they're usually a little pricier then normal ones but they'll boost your energy levels and give your makeup a better chance of being what you wanted.


Well-known member
Alas, I too have no natural light in my flat. I just have to apply my makeup and hope for the best


Well-known member
They sell lighted makeup mirrors which toggle to different environments ( i.e. fluorescent light, natural light, etc.). HTH.