NC 45 is the craziest shade


Well-known member
I am a perfect NC45 as well....I find it hard to believe Serena is...she is so warmed toned IMO

Me without makeup


I was reading my Essence last night and when I saw that I thought it had to be typo. There is no way Serena is NC45. I'm wear a mix of NC45 and NC50 in Studio Fix Fluid. It also bothers me that I see some women with deeper skin tones than myself and they wear NC45. I do fault the MA but sometimes I wonder if some WOC have a problem embracing their dark skintone.


Well-known member
I have to mix NC45 and NC50 (when I wear foundation) to get the right shade. An NC48 would be great! I just find it a lot easier to buff on some MSFN in Dark, but even that looks a little orange on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8
I have to say though... I think the default here for MAs is NW45.

I think the default in the Metro Detroit area is NW45 too!


Well-known member
I am more of a NW45 in the winter, NW47 in the summer. Serena seems to be more warm toned, although they did airbrush the heck out of her for the cover.



Well-known member
I had to add another 2 cents.... In my humble opinion, some African-American women still are caught up in color. I know a few women that REFUSE to be that close to the end of the color spectrum, so they end up with foundation that is too light. Instead of embracing their color, they will say that they are NC 45 to appear that they are lighter when in actuality, they are clearly NW50.

Clearly... Tish and Serena are not very close on the color spectrum... Tish is much cooler toned than Serena and appears to be more of a true NC45. It just sounds like denial and self-hate to me. I could be reading way too much into this....(Tish sorry to use you as an example, but you posted such a great picture.)


Well-known member
That's why I love it here. I have been thinking this same thing for a long time but didn't want to start anything, but A LOT of people are being sold the wrong color and in pictures it's really
but "it's the camera, lighting, flash, etc." but when a chocolate girl and a caramel girl are both NC45 or 50 in their siggy, I think, "How is that possible?" I agree it's a default or we are really still colorstruck.


Well-known member
No offense taken.....I was trying to see how she and i could possibly be the same shade too..I have tried wearing darker but then my neck looks crazy! I don't care about the number personally if I was a nc99 I would be happy if the shade matched...dark skin is beautiful!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
No offense taken.....I was trying to see how she and i could possibly be the same shade too..I have tried wearing darker but then my neck looks crazy! I don't care about the number personally if I was a nc99 I would be happy if the shade matched...dark skin is beautiful!!!

I agree 100% Tish. I think that it is partly the MUA fault, but on the other hand I have personally seen women say "oh no, I am not that dark." They would rather get a "lighter" shade than their true shade. I think it is simpletons!!! I don't care if my shade is the last on the list, it it makes me look good then that is what I am going to wear.

Also, there was a topic on here the other day (don't remember what topic) that mentioned something like this. Like lafemmenoir said, there is not that much difference in the world with lighting and flash that would make a chocolate girl like me look like a caramel drop!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lafemmenoir
That's why I love it here. I have been thinking this same thing for a long time but didn't want to start anything, but A LOT of people are being sold the wrong color and in pictures it's really
but "it's the camera, lighting, flash, etc." but when a chocolate girl and a caramel girl are both NC45 or 50 in their siggy, I think, "How is that possible?" I agree it's a default or we are really still colorstruck



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lovey99
I am more of a NW45 in the winter, NW47 in the summer. Serena seems to be more warm toned, although they did airbrush the heck out of her for the cover.


awww you and your hubby = perfecto!!


when there was no mac store here, i only had specktra to rely on for pictures, it was crazy how many ppl claimed to be nc45 but were two completly different colors in the pictures. so i ended up just judging from the mac online swatches, and luckily nc45 is like a perfect match to my skin. im very, very yellow toned and medium dark complexion id say. serena looks nc50 or nw45 to me as well.

me vs serena


Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
I think that MAC is missing some shades b/t nc45 and 50 and also MUA's use it as the default color for alot of darker skinned women...

yup ............


Well-known member
yes when i read that i was like what????? no way she is an NC 45 and she has the money to got to "pros" for her make-up, i thought of all the ladies on here (hey tish!!!!) they i would try an NC 45 on and serena ain't one of them

and i do think red undertones are rare, my face stay pretty much the same all year around ( it think cuz 1. i'm not any outdoor person at all and 2. i wear a high spf all year around), i get "redder" but not "deeper" or"darker" not quite to move up to nw 47, i did try an nc 50 this winter but it was too cool


Well-known member
^^ Hey Momma!! I agree...My foundation stays the same too....and I do stay out doors alot but my tone pretty much stays the same....I just add a little dark MSF and I'm good to go


Well-known member
I guess since we're showing pics. Here are are a couple of pics with me in NC45. I obviously don't have any other since it's been like 2 weeks since my change. I think that in the summer I'll be NC45 and wintertime I'm probably more pale like NC42.




Well-known member
Originally Posted by elongreach
I guess since we're showing pics. Here are are a couple of pics with me in NC45. I obviously don't have any other since it's been like 2 weeks since my change. I think that in the summer I'll be NC45 and wintertime I'm probably more pale like NC42.



Such cute pics!