NC43/44 where you at?


Well-known member
I love this thread. I'm going to make a list of stuff to try

Here are my faves and the ones that I used the most/work the best. If I ran out of any of these colors below...I might melt and die

I apologize that most of my faves are discontinued. I have bad luck gettong attached to LE items

NARS Albatross
MAC Otherwordly blush (discontinued)

NARS lovejoy (my fave)
MAC X-rocks (discontinued)
MAC Mountain High (discontinued I use it sparingly to make it last)
MAC Gingerly
MAC Coppertone
MAC Ambering Rose

MAC 4n (discontinued)
MAC Underplay (discontinued)
MAC Siss
MAC Brave New Bronze (discontined)
MAC Coconutty (an old fave from back in the day)
MAC Mystique (long discontinued but an old fave)

MAC 1n lipglass
MAC Jellybabe lipgelee
MAC Sapilcous lipgelee
MAC C-thru lipglass
Bobbi Brown Suede lipgloss (long discontinued)
MAC Enchanted lipglass

MAC Groundwork paint pot
MAC Painterly Paint Pot
MAC Satin Taupe e/s
MAC Saddle e/s

Hope that helps!


Active member

Thanks so much for all the help.
I feel like finding the right foundation and concealer are the hardest parts when dealing with makeup. (Not just the color, but the right formula too.)

I will probably take some more pictures (in different lights) and post them, but ultimately I guess I'll have to see how the foundations work when I get there. Too bad they don't seem to give samples in little pots like they do at Sephora. :S

I'll take all you have posted into consideration and right it down.
Maybe next time I make it to the mall I can find out what's best suited for me as far as MAC goes.


Active member
Originally Posted by BionicWoman

Another thing, I used to use St. Ives Apricot Scrub years ago and it clogged my pores somethin' awful...made my acne worse and oilier...I'd get rid of it. BOSCIA is a great line, I've used it in the past and was very satisfied, they're very natural too, I would try to get their toner and moisturizer as well as a good exfoliator or mask geared for your skin type. Witch Hazel can be and a little harsh where it dry you out therefore making your skin produce even more oils to try and compensate. Other GREAT skin care lines for our oily skin are: Dr. Hauschka, Caudalie, Repechage, Dr. Brandt, RX for Brown Skin, Dr. Murad and Bliss to name a few
<--I'm a skin care fanatic! If my skin doesn't look half way decent, then I'll usually hate the way my makeup looks on my face


I see.
I'm the same way.
I feel like if my skin could be fixed, I could see about what sort of makeup I would need. I don't like to use makeup to hide, but enhance (if that makes sense.)

Well the only reason I used St.Ives is because it didn't irritate me, but then I don't want to use something that will just make things difficult for me. It seems I use things that don't irritate me, but I guess I don't know my skin quite as well as I thought I did. ><

I'm glad Boscia is good though a bit expensive for just a cleanser.
I honestly do not like their moisturizer.
It seems to dry to quickly before I can make sure I spread it all over my face. I got these Boscia products in a sample kit from Sephora (included a cleanser, toner, a moisturizer for night and day with SPF 15.) As far as masks and exfoliation goes, I'm afraid of that sort of thing. It's the roughest/aggressive part of skincare, and I'm afraid of something that will irritate me. The thing is, I don't really get breakouts when products don't work. I get red, irritated and flakey. It's very painful and embarrassing.

I'm a college student so I try to find things that are good/effective but can be bought for a low price at a drugstore so I'm on the hunt for that. Once I can afford them, then I'll think about the higher in things, UNLESS I know those higher in items will work wonders. Dx

(Sorry to the OP if this is turning off topic!)

Thanks though for naming those brands.
I will have to check them out.
It's too bad there are not many reviews about these products by WOC on YT or elsewhere.


New member
Hi, I'm new here! I actually stumbled upon this thread through Google when I was searching for good blushes to buy for my new pro palette... and just HAD to join Specktra!

I am a fellow NC43. This is my number one thread right now! I'm definitely gonna have to make out a list of things to try! Thanks for all the amazing suggestions!


Well-known member
NC 42

Fav Mac Blush/BP/MB:
Warm Soul
Stark Naked

Brave Red


I'm NC44!
swear by MAC
fave eyeshadow - cranberry and sketch and grain
fave blush - peach twist
lips - viva matte III and lakme's almond and berry mattes
cannot live without graph black technokohl pencil

how about you guys... what are your staples?


Active member
So I just tried on Siss (satin) lipstick today with Girl's Delight dazzleglass over it. I think I just found yet another holy grail nude lip. This one is really on point with my skin color & is a lot more true to nude than my usual HG- Cherish (satin) lipstick. I guess one can say it's less peach-y & more yellow toned than Cherish when swatched next to each other. It's almost as if I'm putting concealer on my lips without looking straight up dead. Haha. Sorry if I'm terrible at describing this. But I just wanted to give you all a heads up if anyone's looking to some good nudes!

I believe Siss is discontinued at MAC counters but still is permanent at stores/ pro stores & is being promoted in the up coming Warm & Cozy collection after Christmas 2009.

PS: NC44 studiofixfluid, NC43 studiofix powder/ tech girl here!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stylistic_x3
Thank you kindly for your words of advice MacObsessed! I visited my local MAC counter yesterday & tried Lollipop Loving out & actually fell in LOVE!
It didn't wash me out & gave me a slightly peachy golden look. Plus it went great with my NARS Orgasm blush that I was wearing.

& I as well, am on a hunt for the perfect nude. Lately a MUA at my pro store suggested Cherish l/s with Mirror l/g [the pro longwear gloss coat]. It was absolutely amazing, but I don't really favor Satin finish lipsticks, my lips get so dry! But if you want to give it a shot, I highly suggest it.

thanks stylistic ill give it a try! and my perfect nude is siss no liner and cthru lipgloss or fresh brew with l/s with no liner or a brown liner and c-thru lipglass!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by laiiiss
Hi, I'm a NC 45, and I'm interesting on buying Snob lipstick, could you please make a swatch for me on your lips to see how it looks like in your color tone??

Thanks =)

i love nsob and pink plaid!

mz hanan

i love the following:

mac- craving lipstick

mac- up the amp

mac- moroccan fresh

i'm starting to like barcelona red i think it depends on my the condition of my lips and it usually looks better when the lippy isn't in a cold area..

i've also burchased fabby but i think i need a lipliner and concealer for it my lips are 2 pigmented for it.

hopefully when i buy new foundation my underpay won't look so ashy. i've got to try out my chatterbox but i'm worried that it won't be pigmented enough,
HEy ladies, i was wondering if anyone could help...i am an NC44 maybe slightly lighter and i was wondering what NARS shade would i take, im thinking Tahoe, because Cadiz seems too reddish and doesnt seem like Nars has very good color selections for NC43-44ish colors....


Well-known member
  1. I'm an NC44 in most MAC formulas as well, except I'm a NC43 in Studio Fix Powder and an NC45 in Studio Fix Fluid. I used to work at Sephora and have NEVER found a Foundation match for my skin tone in that line which is a shame because in addition to MAC and Makeup Forever, it's one of my favorite lines. They're either way too yellow, or too brown/dark. NARS isn't really known for their foundations anyway.
  2. Us NC43/44 girls have a hard time matching up foundations for our complexion, and I find us to be among the rarest of all the MAC shades....because while we mostly have a yellow undertone, there is a little bit of pink/red mixed in, which makes it where I can't(at least for me) wear a C6 foundation alone as an alternative. Makes me look too ashy.
  3. I did test out the Makeup Forever HD Foundation in 170 and the Chanel in Cedar. They had the perfect yellow-pink blance that is unique to our skin tone. Also, look into Boobi Brown's Golden or Warm Honey.
Originally Posted by BionicWoman

  1. I'm an NC44 in most MAC formulas as well, except I'm a NC43 in Studio Fix Powder and an NC45 in Studio Fix Fluid. I used to work at Sephora and have NEVER found a Foundation match for my skin tone in that line which is a shame because in addition to MAC and Makeup Forever, it's one of my favorite lines. They're either way too yellow, or too brown/dark. NARS isn't really known for their foundations anyway.
  2. Us NC43/44 girls have a hard time matching up foundations for our complexion, and I find us to be among the rarest of all the MAC shades....because while we mostly have a yellow undertone, there is a little bit of pink/red mixed in, which makes it where I can't(at least for me) wear a C6 foundation alone as an alternative. Makes me look too ashy.
  3. I did test out the Makeup Forever HD Foundation in 170 and the Chanel in Cedar. They had the perfect yellow-pink blance that is unique to our skin tone. Also, look into Boobi Brown's Golden or Warm Honey.

thanks soo much!! i will definitely try Bobbi Brown, i have never ventured over to that counter, but i agree it is hard to find our skin tone matches because sometimes i fee like i have reddish pink undertones and sometimes more yellow!! nonetheless i will keep looking and i will definitely go pickup the hd 170!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ny90princess
thanks soo much!! i will definitely try Bobbi Brown, i have never ventured over to that counter, but i agree it is hard to find our skin tone matches because sometimes i fee like i have reddish pink undertones and sometimes more yellow!! nonetheless i will keep looking and i will definitely go pickup the hd 170!!

You're welcome! Also check out Bobbi Brown concealers. I use their Dark Peach Color Corrector sometimes which is FANTASTIC for dark circles! Especially when you apply it under the concealer first. Their concealers are phenomenal!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MacObsessed
HI!, Im new I was a lurker but I finally joined.. I was wondering if there are any other NC 43/44's I looked around but didnt see any...

I'm your makeup twin! I'm NC44 and C6 just like you and 170/173 in Makeup Forever.


Well-known member
I am NC 42, sometimes 43 when i get tanned during summer. It's kinda hard for for to find blushes that suit my skin color, i don';tknow maybe it just me?
But i know i love these 3: Nars Orgasm, MAC Dollymix, MAC Mocha. I also find that contouring with Bronzer works wonder. I use MAC Golgen Refine as other bronzers give me dirty look. When it comes to tanned skin, brighten is better than lighten. =)

Lipsticks? My fav is blankety =)