Need advices in selling makeup!


Well-known member
Hi lovelies!

I really hope I'm in the right place-Sorry if not. I couldn't think of better place to ask this.
Sorry about the length of this post too.. thanks so much for trying to help

I finally found a job in some new cheap cosmetic store, (which will help me with the makeup studies because I really didn't have any money to even drive for school.) It sells really cheap stuff- jewlery, bags, cosmetics and makeup. It's not a good quality makeup (in my opinion) except for some really nice products, but some girls finds it's better not paying so much and buy this stuff. My work is actually more in the makeup side, which I thougt will be really easy. but it's not.

My problem is actually selling this stuff, I'm finding by boss not really happy looking with my work (I guess he expected me to come and sell loats of makeup)- I'm finding it's really hard to sell something you actually don't believe in (if I tried to sell MAC I really think it'll be easy
) and it's kinda frustrating that he's not happy with my work (I really do need this job).
So I though maybe you could help me, because you're costumers and some of you are working for MAC or other companies.

I need your edvices in how to be a better seller, my boss always tells me "don't ask to help them (when they're looking other things at the store)- try interest them in the makeup" and I really need to put out of my mind that it's such a bad makeup. I mean- there's a lot of people that buy this makeup and really happy.
I'm also a shy person, so I'm not really of those happy sellers which you come into the store and they're like "Hi!!
" (need to try be that kind).

Except for doing really pretty makeup and try to be really nice and alive, I can't really think of things I can do.

I found the makeup I do on myself doesn't really matters to them. The mostly they buy mascaras, eyepencils. maybe some lipsticks. They miss the best product which is the eyeshadows. Weman here don't wear a lot of makeup so it's kinda hard to SELL them more of the mascara and liner.

I don't know, maybe I'm just a bad selling person :-/ I'm just too honest person and finding it's hard to reccomend makeup I will never put on my face. I can't tell someone "it's pretty on you!" if it's not.

So maybe you guys can give me some advices. How to get to costumers but don't disturb them. How to convence them to try something else than mascara. Maybe what makeup I do on myself attract the most to buy it. ANYTHING you could suggest will help. Thanks so much for listening!
Love you guys with all my heart


Well-known member
Thats a hard one...I have been in sales for so many years...However I could never push a service or product that I wasn't confident and felt strongly about....The few times I tried i was just not successful....Way back in the day I tried it with Mary Kay & Avon but I totally didn't use or like the products myself so that was a short lived career with both of those brands


Well-known member
I have to agree with Tish.. it is very hard to get excited about or sell something you don't really like or even respect. I wish I could give some advise.. for now, just hold your nose.


Well-known member
Thank you lovelies. Yes I know it's hard to sell something you don't like yourself, that's why I said I have a problem with that. But I have to hold it for now, I can't be so pickie with jobs when people (and I'm too) are so looking for ANY job. I need to be good at it so I'll keep working as long as I'm not a makeup artist that makes her money in a way she believes in.

I love selling weman makeup that suits them, love to give them advices what colours are best for them and recommend what I think is a better product. I really enjoyed it. My problem is not only the connection to those products (I actually didn't even tried them!) is that I have a problem with so unkind people. When I offer someone my help and she ignores me or making an angry face and says like "no I don't want help", it's kinda hard to keep smiling being nice after a few people like that. I need to know how to pretend nice even when I'm not feeling so happy.. It's not about lieing to costumers (which I'll never will) it's about looking always happy and smiling and look excited with the products you sell.


Well-known member
Maybe try and look for some good in the products. So they might not be the best in the world - but they might be the best at that price range - or very strong at that price range.

As for being nice to people - maybe you could pretend - like your an actor? Ultimately this is a job in make up and its one step that will take you to the next job eventually, so everyone of those customers is a potential practise for you. If you try different tactics and maybe you can win one person over - you can work on how to get better at it. If you can become good at selling this stuff then you will be much better for it when you move on to say a MAC shop.

I'm not saying that you should lie to them, but you need to come up with reasons why the make up might do the job for them and not break the bank... In telephone sales they call it objection handling. If your customers dont wear much make up then really they aren't going to spend much money on it so maybe this range isnt so bad for them after all.

And if you can have a go at using the products and find ways to blend them or combine them to do looks that your customers might like - you could maybe try and show them some of the skills you have and help them to buy the products and have a go with them when they come into the shop?

Maybe do makeovers - hopefully some of the products will be purchased and if you do them in the window, or so other people can see it might bring more people in.

Just be nice and friendly - that always makes a difference to me.

My first time in the MAC store near me, I felt so small and one girl was so helpful and it took her some time to bring me out of my shell - but she was so fab at it and ended up giving me samples and really helping me out - I probably wouldn't have bought much, but because of her I bought 2 x 4 palette e/s with the e/s refills, lipstick, blusher and liner pen. So she sold me loads of stuff because she was so helpful.

Another example: my mum thinks I'm mad for my addiction to make up, so when NARS called me to say they had some artists in and would I like an appointment - I donated it to her and went to watch. Benoit the artist was fabulous, very considerate and explained everything and she spent £100 on skincare - including £19 on a brush!! This is a woman who probably never spent that on a whole kit of brushes in her whole life. She loved it. She didn't quite get the bug but she did really enjoy it and I think she would definately do it again. In fact we are going back in August to the next event.

So - sorry this is sooooo long. And maybe it doesn't help. Just try and be really positive about it and I think things will get a bit easier. And maybe if it isnt the right job/company for you just stick at it for now and keep looking for something you would prefer.

All the best anyway


Well-known member
Thank you so so much cazgh

It was really helpful. You kinda say what I thought and actually gave me some ideas. I'll keep trying, thanks alot and take care xx

pop violet

Well-known member
This is a tough one. I would try the makeup yourself and see if there is any potential in it. Try and work it so customers want to know what YOU'RE wearing. Possibly offer free mini-makeovers. Even though you don't like these products, do you think it would be suitable for others or those on a budget? If you truly believe the product sucks than that would be an impossible sell unless you're lying to your customer....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pop violet
This is a tough one. I would try the makeup yourself and see if there is any potential in it. Try and work it so customers want to know what YOU'RE wearing. Possibly offer free mini-makeovers. Even though you don't like these products, do you think it would be suitable for others or those on a budget? If you truly believe the product sucks than that would be an impossible sell unless you're lying to your customer....

Thank you for answering..

I don't think these products SUCKS, I just don't like these kind of brends so it's kinda hard to rally be passionate about them. We have another worker at the store (I wish I could work WITH her so I could see how she's doing.. She buy those products herself and I think she sells them better.)

I think I'll just listen to you guys and let this makeup a try, even on my hands just to try out the colours, textures atc (cause honestly I have a REALLY gentle skin so I don't get any close to none-highly-qualitie-products).
This way I feel I KNOW the products well, I don't need to LOVE every single product to know who to match it for.

I'll try do "makeovers"..not really makeovers but I'll try to make people let me try do something on them, maybe just eyes or face.. they may love it and maybe try some new products.

I also need to get rid of my natural-makeup (even though I did a quite none natural look for work, but it was still gentle because it's me haha
I'll do the bottom smokey TEAL lining which I really like, it's the boldest makeup which I feel comfortable with
maybe if I'll see some people ask about my makeup it'll make me do it more bold.
Any more suggestions about a simple but yet attention-attractive makeup I can do?? I thought about glitter liner but we don't have them anyway.

Well sorry guys that again it was too long I'm just thinking at load I guess


Well-known member
You guys are so helping and supportive, I really appriciate every single comment or suggestion, your support itself is helping so much and it's a great feeling to know someone's listen.

BIG HUG for everyone, have the greatest week ever.
LOVE, Adi.


Well-known member
Hi guys =)
Just wanted to tell you I was at work today and it went really well. I just did everything my boss asked me to, no questions, didn't care ( I just figured out I don't even like him, he's really not a nice person).. so I'll keep looking for better work...

So today I wore the MAC minted eye kohl in waterline&heavy bottom lashline, and MAC teal pigment over it. I have brown eyes so it pops really good. I sold 3 sets of tealish liner and eyeshadow because of it
so I kinda feel it worked out.

Just wanted to tell you guys... KISSES xx


Well-known member
Thanks. I really have MAC on my mind. Just hope they're looking for workers. I was talking to one of the girls there and she told me she have never been in makeup school too, and I'm like "they take none-makeupartists to work??" I would LOVE to work there. I love my work but not with these products, so working with MAC should be fun


Active member
I think it also depends on the company's advertising. Many makeup companies don't have to try at all at upselling cause the advertising pretty much does for them.
In your case..I would look for another job:( ..