need good vibes...PLEASE!!


Well-known member
My karma must have stayed in 2007 because this year has started off to a dirty litterbox start!

- flights were a delayed mess
-lost my luggage and am in fear that my makeup will come back broken or something because it has been sitting in st. louis!
-bad period and ran out of tampons...can't get to the store BECAUSE.....

my car has a flat!!!!!!!! I am on hold with stupid ford and have been forever.

Please send love.

I think my karma is bad because i was making prank calls on NYE.


Well-known member
Aww, I'm so sorry - that sucks!! I'm sending you happy thoughts!


Well-known member
love,best wishes and big hugs
Also if you look at it another way 2008 can only get better xx
(i had a crap 1st day of the year)


Well-known member
Well roadside assistance is on their way. I have to pay $57 but it could be worse.
I will take this car thing as a learning experience. At least i wasn't on the highway and had a blow out or something.
Thanks for the good vibes


Well-known member
Aww Hilly! That sounds like my week last week because I called in "sick" to work so I could go home for Christmas earlier. If it makes you feel any better, I stepped in dog poop, then had a client throw up all over my room during the massage I was giving her at work, and I waited 30 minutes for a bus and barely made it to work. Oh honey...I feel your pain and send much love to you!


Well-known member
Hilly I hope you have a good rest of the year keep thinking positive and the vibes will follow! I had a flat today but just keep looking on the bright side! Love ya Chik!


Well-known member
i'm so sorry to hear about all the mishaps.
but i'm sending you good vibes~~

happy new year!


Well-known member
thanks everyone. the car is better. I calld in sick to work. Still waiting on luggage.

Yall are so sweet


Well-known member
good vibes going your way girl! hopefully your luggage comes back with everything inside it in one piece!


Well-known member
i'm glad things are better! Now you can start the year with a fresh new start


Well-known member
:hugs: I've been feeling nauseous and I locked my keys in my car while I was cleaning it off. We must be on the same wavelength of bad karma.


Well-known member
update: luggage is back and my makeup was safe! PHEW!!

My friend came over and then we went for sushi. things are better. thanks aain everyone. Yall helped me!


Well-known member
Phew, lucky with the makeup. My bag got lost on the way to Italy a year and a half ago... and when it arrived, it was mangled to hell. They even managed to snap a tube of mascara in half... yes, it was that bad.

On a funny note, I was just reading the "Masturbation..." thread and someone said there should be a thread for recommended toys, so then I see this one and read "Need good vibes" and I was almost expecting request for good toy ideas... some "vibes".

Been that kinda day for me, can't keep it out of the gutter.