Need help..desperately!


I have this pastel lime green dress & I desperately need help on my makeup. Can anyone please help me with it? I'm a C3 by the way .. & I prefer earthy colours.

P/s: I've got woodwinked e/s!



Well-known member
Green is also a pseudo neutral so it can be paired with almost any colour. I'd personally do something pink, but you said you wanted earth tones. So go with a nice brown, if you want it to be more summery then make it bronzy, or gold. The only colour I'd maybe stay away from would be bright blues, navy would be fine but anything that's really intensly blue would clash somewhat.


Well-known member
For a pastel lime green dress, colors that I would go with for the eyes would probably be something along the lines of soft golds, bronzes and browns. For the lips and blush, I would probably stick with soft pinky tones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
woodwinked is awesome! maybe with rose blanc

I second that rec!!