Need help identifying fake(?) pigment sample


Well-known member
Hi everyone!

I've recently bought a small lot of MAC pigment samples rom a known sample seller. Among these I bought the Blue one, aslo called rebelrock blue by some?
Anyhow I had a really hard time getting it to stick to my eyelids even if I used my UDPP. I've never had problems with any other than grape before, and I talked to two friends about this (I was at a third friends house to show off my new samples).
My two friens both have this sample too (bought from Cheryl's shiny eyes they did), and said that it's really easy to apply for them and asked me to show it. so we compared the jars and swatched them and Whoa! they were different!
They are very similiar although mine was a more green shade of blue (and a bit lighter in the jar) and my friends were a slight purplish blue. The difference is really hard to catch on a photo but I did try.

Could you help me by checking these pics to see if my pigment is fake? It feels so weird that they could be so different in colour.
My friends pigment to the left, my own to the right on all images below:







PS I don't want to write the name of the shop if it turns out it's real. I'm just so worried and don't want to start any bad rumors if it is real.
My skin is rather fair, as you can see. Almost translucent!

I got an answer for the blue pigment (thanks Panda0410!)

But now I'm wondering about the Deep blue green, Green brown and Copperclast I got. Would any of you ladies know by these swatches? (the tiny one is Old gold, just to compare)

direct sunlight
