Need Help - Please Help!!


Well-known member
Ok so we're putting together a charity club night to raise money to benefit our MAC Viva Glam team for the San Francisco AIDS Walk. Problem is that the only date we could get is June 21 and that's coming up super quick!!! We need to make like flyers or at least graphics to post online. Is anyone graphically talented?!

If anyone is willing to make us a flyer to post on myspace and stuff I'd REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate it and love you forever. I have no internet graphic skills haha.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Do you have images or something to put on the flier? Dimensions? Something to help?

I'll help you, but I'd need something more than a flier for MAC. Am I allowed to take stuff from the website (legally speaking)?


Well-known member
I thought Jimmy already had a flyer up? Or were you all looking for something different...or was that for something else? hehehe (forgive me, I just woke up and am super siiick)

You could take the flyers to any larger printing place (Staples, Kinkos, etc) & get them back within a day or two.