Need help


New member
Ok Im new so I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm in dire need of help with makeup. I have pretty decent skin. No scars or blemishes I love the full makeup face. Dark eyes and real nude lips. But it's not working for me Here's a little info. I have very long straight thick platinum blonde hair My eyes are weird colors. They are a greeny color with flecks of hazel. I'm tanned.. Not dark but a nice bronze glow I don't know what to use on myself and it's getting me down Even when I try and tone it down I look orange and too made up What colors should I go an buy I love my nude lip but I do apply it thick and it looks gunky And I feel light lips are making my face look orangey I've worn the same look for years so I need help when I've done my makeup and look at myself I feel like a tart and wipe it all off. I feel like I just want to be pretty :(


Well-known member
I am sure you are pretty...
I am kinda new here too, so I might not be in much help.
Maybe you could upload some picture, so that the more "experienced" girls here could help you with makeup.