Neutral/Earth Tones?

I am scheduling a test shoot with a photographer. She is considering hiring me to be her back up-make up artist and help me build my portfolio. :) I am to do makeup on her and her current MUA, and they will determine if I'm a good fit for them, basically.

She would like this shoot to be based on neutral/earth tone colors.
As I'm new to this world, I'd love to see some examples of this. Browns, peaches, maybe even greens? Would that be ok?

I have been doing makeup for a while, but I'm nervous about this one and don't want to mess anything up. I'd just like your opinion on go to colors, and which ones I should stay away from.

Both of these girls have Hispanic in them, but not too tan, if that helps.



Well-known member
I think that olives, tans, golds, peaches and browns would be great for what you are describing. HTH!