New at Freelancing but being underpaid?

I have been working as a freelancer for a few weeks now and I LOVE IT, the only thing is, I think that I am being USED! My manager knew me far before the interview and pretty much hired me before the interview or demo. I get no discount, she stretches my hours to try to get the most out of her budget, and I am making higher sales then ANY of the employees.

I have been consistently working 16-20 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour (this seems really low in comparison to what I have heard), freelancers get NO discount in my region, and the store is small. Our goals are usually around 2500, generally 600 or so per employee for a 7-8 hour shift and I have been doing 5-7 hour shifts with 900+ sales.

When I try to talk to my manager about going part time she brushes me off even though I do ALL of the same things as a PT'er such as cleaning, closing duties, register, makeovers, all that jazz but with no discount and 10 an hour!

She even has asked me to come in to work an 8 hour shift in return for makeup. Other employees have said that they have never seen the counter hit goals in the past year until I started working there, but this doesnt seem right..

I work a 7 hour shift, make 1000 for the company, get paid 65 after taxes, and buy 50 dollars worth of makeup with no discount..

What do you think?


Well-known member
I couldn't agree more! I am a freelancer as well and am BEYOND ANGRY that I don't get a discount. They give you sales goals, want you to ROCK the look, sell the product, know everything about the products BUT NO DISCOUNT! Really? But the cashiers that only ring the sales get 60% discout? Where's the fairness in this. I asked to be hired as a cashier and they told me that "my skills and product knowledge is to great to have me as a cashier". Thanks but I WANT A DISCOUNT! I personally, have over 180 MAC eyeshadows - I DESERVE THE DISCOUNT. Yes, I've applied for my PRO card but they are saying that I need print work to qualify as a makeup artist. Frustrated - Yes, Addicted - still!
For mac.. And I work register too.. The only other girl that I was working with today was 1.5 hours late and I had to do opening duties and open register flying by the seat of my skirt.. I had no idea what to do.q


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thedrinkgirl
I couldn't agree more! I am a freelancer as well and am BEYOND ANGRY that I don't get a discount. They give you sales goals, want you to ROCK the look, sell the product, know everything about the products BUT NO DISCOUNT! Really? But the cashiers that only ring the sales get 60% discout? Where's the fairness in this. I asked to be hired as a cashier and they told me that "my skills and product knowledge is to great to have me as a cashier". Thanks but I WANT A DISCOUNT! I personally, have over 180 MAC eyeshadows - I DESERVE THE DISCOUNT. Yes, I've applied for my PRO card but they are saying that I need print work to qualify as a makeup artist. Frustrated - Yes, Addicted - still!

For the OP. Being a freelancer you don't get a discount because you are not permanently with the company. Your hours are not guaranteed, and if you don't meet your sales goal its not like you will get written up or termintated for them. As a freelancer, you are there to offer extra help. If you wanna get called back and offered hours ofcourse you will do morning duties, ofcourse you will try and meet goal, look good and get along with everyone. Because if you are not productive to the company then they will not call you back and call someone who is.

Giving out your pay rate already has you on grounds for termination as you did sign paper work stating that you would do such a thing. This is something that you can discuss with the manager, the MRO the SMRO or a trainer if you feel like you are being treated unfairly. A shift for makeup? were you on the clock? It sounds like she was offering you makeup as an incentive, if it was for payment that is wrong and we do have a confidential ethics hotline you can call. As far as discount goes, you can apply for the MAC PPID and get the 40% entitled to makeup artist.

And for the poster I quoted, seriously?? Again with the cashier discussion? If you feel like you are too good, then maybe you shouldn't be with the company. You do not understand, or value the importance of each team member. The cashier and stock boy are just as important as anyone on the team. Our cashiers have been promoted to artist. and no, you don't DESERVE the discount. NO ONE does, it is something you EARN. If this is your attitude and they can see it, then there is the obvious reason why they aren't looking at you for permanent. The team talks, and if you've given anyone attitude or someone heard something from you then chances are they told management.

If you don't qualify for the MAC PPID then you should be doing something to work on it, maybe work with more photographers or something. That discount is MEANT to be for working professionals, not for someone looking to add to their collection. I've seen it abused here on Specktra and other boards, that is the reason why it gets harder and harder to qualify for a true pro.

Hope this helps anyone looking for the insight of someone on the otherside.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
For the OP. Being a freelancer you don't get a discount because you are not permanently with the company. Your hours are not guaranteed, and if you don't meet your sales goal its not like you will get written up or termintated for them. As a freelancer, you are there to offer extra help. If you wanna get called back and offered hours ofcourse you will do morning duties, ofcourse you will try and meet goal, look good and get along with everyone. Because if you are not productive to the company then they will not call you back and call someone who is.

Giving out your pay rate already has you on grounds for termination as you did sign paper work stating that you would do such a thing. This is something that you can discuss with the manager, the MRO the SMRO or a trainer if you feel like you are being treated unfairly. A shift for makeup? were you on the clock? It sounds like she was offering you makeup as an incentive, if it was for payment that is wrong and we do have a confidential ethics hotline you can call. As far as discount goes, you can apply for the MAC PPID and get the 40% entitled to makeup artist.

And for the poster I quoted, seriously?? Again with the cashier discussion? If you feel like you are too good, then maybe you shouldn't be with the company. You do not understand, or value the importance of each team member. The cashier and stock boy are just as important as anyone on the team. Our cashiers have been promoted to artist. and no, you don't DESERVE the discount. NO ONE does, it is something you EARN. If this is your attitude and they can see it, then there is the obvious reason why they aren't looking at you for permanent. The team talks, and if you've given anyone attitude or someone heard something from you then chances are they told management.

If you don't qualify for the MAC PPID then you should be doing something to work on it, maybe work with more photographers or something. That discount is MEANT to be for working professionals, not for someone looking to add to their collection. I've seen it abused here on Specktra and other boards, that is the reason why it gets harder and harder to qualify for a true pro.

Hope this helps anyone looking for the insight of someone on the otherside.


you're right, no one DESERVES the discount. actual employees get the discount because they're required to wear 100% mac all day, every day at the counter. freelancers aren't, and can substitute for colors/products that look like mac. just because one opens/cleans/stocks (which is required of a freelancer anyway!) or owns 67346746 shadows doesn't entitle them to a discount.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881

you're right, no one DESERVES the discount. actual employees get the discount because they're required to wear 100% mac all day, every day at the counter. freelancers aren't, and can substitute for colors/products that look like mac. just because one opens/cleans/stocks (which is required of a freelancer anyway!) or owns 67346746 shadows doesn't entitle them to a discount.

Yes. And to add - If you are at a certain store a lot of hours every week - ask that Manager if you can be hired on part time, or talk to your DM (or the equivalent) about stores looking for part timers (if the SM won't listen). If you still truly feel like you are being taken advantage of, start asking other EL companies (like Aveda, Origins or Clinique) if you can work in one of thier stores and you still get a MAC discount.

Oh, and I would DEFENITELY be talking to the confidential line about the makeup for shifts. Um, illegal much? If you were to get hurt while working, you could SUE EL, and that's something they do NOT want. Plus, they need to pay you for your time.
Originally Posted by darkwater_soul

Oh, and I would DEFENITELY be talking to the confidential line about the makeup for shifts. Um, illegal much? If you were to get hurt while working, you could SUE EL, and that's something they do NOT want. Plus, they need to pay you for your time.

I like the suggestion about applying at other EL stores.... And it is VERY illegal for her to pay in makeup. It's called bartering. Thanks for the post

As the the person that said I could get fired for posting my salary that is BULLSHIT. I didn't sign anything saying I wouldn't share my salary, in fact, she barely had us (my sister and myself) sign ANY papers at all. She didnt give us any rules/guidelines on paper, period.

On Sunday the employee that was supposed to open was a no show and I had to completely wing it on opening the register and store because I could not get ahold of ANY of the employees/manager. I was by myself at the counter for over an hour, flying by the seat of my pants. I mentioned to my manager about what had happened with the girl not showing up and not calling me for over half an hour, and she didn't know anything about it. So while I was getting paid 10 an hour to ring everything up under the other employee's id, she wasnt even there AND she was getting paid.

They have a pt position open but the manager wont hire me for it and I know why.. She views me as cheap help. I love mac, I love the girls at this counter... But, this just doesnt seem right. Thus, why I wanted your opinions.


Well-known member
I don't know if you're freelancing at a MAC store or macy's but if the girl is not on the clock she is NOT getting paid because they don't make commission. The manager probably has his/her reasons for not hiring you on. Could be that the pt position won't be permanent.. u never know. For you to assume that you are just "cheap help" that has to render somewhere within you. If you feel that you are still being treated unfairly after taking all the steps needed to straighten everything out.. than I suggest you leave the freelancing team. No need to stress over it. If I were you, I would just be happy with the fact that I have SOME type of income whether it's 10 or 15 or 20. And MAC is pretty strict about discussing pay and I apologize that you didn't get a chance to go over that. but yes, ITS TRUE. NOT BULLSHIT. Also, it's unfortunately that no one was able to help you open the store.. but that's all a part of retail... shit happens, take it in.. and let it out. Permanent employees go thru so much more shit than the naked eye could see so if the fact that you were left alone to open caused an abrupt reaction.. maybe you do want to seek another position. And discounts are a PRIVILEGE ; not something meant to be abused and taken for granted.
Originally Posted by MACisME
I don't know if you're freelancing at a MAC store or macy's but if the girl is not on the clock she is NOT getting paid because they don't make commission. The manager probably has his/her reasons for not hiring you on. Could be that the pt position won't be permanent.. u never know. For you to assume that you are just "cheap help" that has to render somewhere within you. If you feel that you are still being treated unfairly after taking all the steps needed to straighten everything out.. than I suggest you leave the freelancing team. No need to stress over it. If I were you, I would just be happy with the fact that I have SOME type of income whether it's 10 or 15 or 20. And MAC is pretty strict about discussing pay and I apologize that you didn't get a chance to go over that. but yes, ITS TRUE. NOT BULLSHIT. Also, it's unfortunately that no one was able to help you open the store.. but that's all a part of retail... shit happens, take it in.. and let it out. Permanent employees go thru so much more shit than the naked eye could see so if the fact that you were left alone to open caused an abrupt reaction.. maybe you do want to seek another position. And discounts are a PRIVILEGE ; not something meant to be abused and taken for granted.

As I said, I am very happy to work there.. As far as discounts go my manager has OFFERED to use her discount to buy things for me (Against the rules) because I was hired on being told that I would get a 40% discount. The counter is in a Dillards and I dont have an employee ID because I am freelance, so it could have easily APPEARED as though the other employee was there, because I was ringing up the register using her id. And the BULLSHIT part I meant was because of the fact that the person above had made a comment about signing to agree not to discuss pay, I was saying that I had signed no such thing and hadn't received any official "rules". As far as knowing how permanent emplyees go through shit, I understand that. I know because while other employees were goofing off during downtime, I was re-stocking and cleaning like CRAZY because I dont like to just stand around when there are things to do. I dont mean to sound angry, because I LOVE MAC. I LOVE the sales portion, the make-up portion, and building a relationship with the customers, but insane stuff happens at my store. Alchohol being served to customers under 21 (the cocktail was being MADE and POURED by a 16 year old model who was being paid in make-up) as well as being offered free makeup in exchange for work hours and was TOLD that it would be taken from returns or just marked as damaged. The list goes on and on, but I won't go into anymore details. I am afraid that it might have to be reported, but I am for sure going to try to freelance at another store because like I said, I love the job. But there are too many illegal things going on for me to just let slip by.
And I find it so funny this whole, discounts are a priviledge and not a right because SO many people say this; but, at the same time the mark-up on MAC is ridiculous. Of course, I love M.A.C so I will pay what I have to pay
But at the same time, as a freelancer, especially one that is working CONSISTENTLY 15 hours a week for months, it is expected that we look the same as PT. It is just hard to keep up with the collections (financially) because we dont get free stuff when new collections come out or any discount. ::Shrugs shoulders::

I think part of the reason I feel that way is because I work consistently and make my shifts and goals unlike some of the PT'ers, get paid less, and am expected to look like them, but not get any discount. And it isnt just that she isn't hiring me PT. We have had MULTIPLE VERY qualified people that have applied and have been turned away because of "budget" supposedly, but we technically have 2 PT positions open. I just wonder where that money goes and if it is "legal" as the make-up payment and alchohol.


Well-known member
The thing is you can sub things, if you are hired as a freelancer naturally they will assume you are an artist. So you probably have your own kit. You can just do colors that you have, you are not obliged to wear the actual collection. Us as employees, get the product free so we can sell it. We have no excuse for not wearing it.

Again, if you were to not make goal or anything, they probably wont call you back and call someone who will. Thats the thing about freelancing you have to be better than the permanents at selling because your hours are not guaranteed. Example when they hiring freeze happened no freelancer got hours, the pt/ft still do. So its different.

And the mark up is not overly crazy either, I mean you cant expect the quality for drug store prices. Our Studio Mist is $28 a can. Diors Airflash is $60. Thats the freedom of America, you can CHOOSE where you spend your money. YOu can give your money to who ever you want, but not everyone will give you the same bang for your buck.

The things happening at your counter is illegal. And you should call the hotline. I have not gotten the number down, but it should be posted in the stock room, if its not, that is illegal as well.

If you are a true MUA you should apply for the MAC PPID card, no reason why you wont be approved.



Well-known member
Seems like this whole thing is under the table.

When I was freelancing I got better pay than that and so did/do freelancers I know now.

When I was hired I absolutely signed paperwork to protect the interests of the company, as well as was given the option to discuss pay.

We never got paid in makeup, and it is not an option recognized by the company.

I got 30% discount by presenting my Estee Lauder paystub at a MAC store.

I encourage you to talk to the manager to discuss pay and openings for the counter, and also to talk to higher ups to discuss those things as well. Seems like the counter is pretty weird and not right.
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
Seems like this whole thing is under the table.

When I was freelancing I got better pay than that and so did/do freelancers I know now.

When I was hired I absolutely signed paperwork to protect the interests of the company, as well as was given the option to discuss pay.

We never got paid in makeup, and it is not an option recognized by the company.

I got 30% discount by presenting my Estee Lauder paystub at a MAC store.

I encourage you to talk to the manager to discuss pay and openings for the counter, and also to talk to higher ups to discuss those things as well. Seems like the counter is pretty weird and not right.

Thank you so much for this post, you have been the first person that I feel like has listened to me and not just bitten my head off. I just am really confused because I am a from a relatively small town and.... It is just hard because I dont know who to ask these questions?
You know what I mean? Once again, thank you so much!


Well-known member
$10 does seem kinda low. Last I knew freelancers made $15-20...but this was in the NY Metro regions. I know the pay varies greatly with location. One small town store that I know pays their permanent artists $12.

You can apply for a pro card-you just need a letter from your manager & one of the other forms of proof that are listed on the application. The 30% discount w/ the Lauder paystub doesn't work in all regions so check with the individual store-I once got into a pretty big argument with a guy over this.

I agree with everyone else that you should report all the weirdo stuff to the hotline & it won't hurt to put your name in at other locations.