New Counter Manager no experience


New member
Please help,I am a new counter manager.I do not have experience in cosmetic or retail sales.My work history is in ouside sales and managerment in Dental and pharmaceutical sales.I am very excited to be working in cosmetics.This is something I have always wanted to do.I really do not have a lot of guidance.The only instruction I have is from the 2 girls that work at my counter.I know that one girl wanted this postion.I feel very overwhelmed.I am so freaked out I am having trouble remembering everything.Oh and by the company is Chanel. I live in the southeast in a medium sized town My DM will be coming by for a day in 3 weeks.Help I really want to keep this job and make Chanel soar Thanks to anyone that has advice.CCC



I'm about to be in the same boat as you as a counter manager with no retail or professional skincare experience. Previously, I was a graphic designer (have a bs degree) and have been a full-time Mom for almost 10 years :-o Life changed suddenly and I had to pick up the pieces. I went back to school and got my Esthetician's license ... that's all I have in terms of related "experience".

I just went in for my 3rd round of interviews at Nordstrom for a counter manager position for the Advanced Skincare product lines (multiple product lines).

Initially, I applied for a sales position within the dept., but was presented with several counter mgr. openings. It sounded exciting ... one interview led to the next and here I am (haven't accepted the offer yet). I really haven't even had a chance to ask exactly what I'll need to do as I was in interview (positive mode) -- it is vague. My biggest worry is having to manage several different lines (does anyone have experience with this???).

I hope some seasoned counter managers chime in with some good pointers...


New member
Hi picklpeach,Thanks for your reply.I have a degree BA in sales and managerment.I really want this to work.I just need some help the seasoned managers my self.I wish I could help you out as of now I am not sure how to manage one counter. LoL I understand how you feel.Just maybe things will work out for both of us.We have to try to be positive and find a way to make it work.Thanks ccc


Well-known member
I can't help out as far as specific advice for retail or cosmetics management, but I can say is that they hired you because they believe you can do the job. Don't worry about not remembering everything, you learn things with time and experience, everybody makes a few mistakes in a new job.

If you want to get to know your products better, I would suggest looking up reviews on sites like Makeup Alley or Sephora. I find user reviews really help with finding the right products for a certain skin type or general info about how they work.

HTH a little =)


Hi Almond!

Thanks, your post really did help
Definitely crossed my mind to check online reviews ... wish they had that sort of resource right at the counter. Maybe I'll make my own "flip book" of products to go to in case I need a solution for a skin type.

Ya helped me brainstorm there ... thanks!