**NEW** MUFE Artist Shadows


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by PrettyGirlDoc

I got mine yesterday. It is just beautiful. I feel like I was ripped off by some of the other brands considering the size, colors and finishes in this palette. I do not regret purchasing it.

Doesn't it make you feel like no other e/s can compare lol. that's how i feel now, and im def more of a lippie person. I own quite a few duos and quads from bare minerals ready e/s, a few UD singles, and i use mostly MAC & MUG… but these i just love. Did anyone catch tarababyz review last night on the 30 palette. She said she still prefers her viseart, and the mufe are pretty good. But some of them formed a film/hardpan over the e/s. Anyone have this issue? i was curious so i checked mine and i think 1 or 2 look like that but i don't recall them affecting the quality. I'm not sure what that comes from, i know if you use an e/s wet it can happen so i always try to stick to the same area when i do that and im really late on this but i did not realize some of them are blushes. And ive been using a few of them quite a bit, now i noticed under "use" on sephora you can see which ones were made to be blushes.


Well-known member
I got mine yesterday. It is just beautiful. I feel like I was ripped off by some of the other brands considering the size, colors and finishes in this palette. I do not regret purchasing it.

Doesn't it make you feel like no other e/s can compare lol. that's how i feel now, and im def more of a lippie person. I own quite a few duos and quads from bare minerals ready e/s, a few UD singles, and i use mostly MAC & MUG… but these i just love.

Did anyone catch tarababyz review last night on the 30 palette. She said she still prefers her viseart, and the mufe are pretty good. But some of them formed a film/hardpan over the e/s. Anyone have this issue? i was curious so i checked mine and i think 1 or 2 look like that but i don't recall them affecting the quality. I'm not sure what that comes from, i know if you use an e/s wet it can happen so i always try to stick to the same area when i do that

and im really late on this but i did not realize some of them are blushes. And ive been using a few of them quite a bit, now i noticed under "use" on sephora you can see which ones were made to be blushes.
I don't think they are necessarily meant to be blushes, they just cannot label them in the US as shadows because of the red/purple pigments in there, they aren't "eye safe"
I use them on my eyes all the time tho lol!

I did notice there's a certain hardness to pick up the shadows on the first layer, like the diamond shadows.. some of them are like that, some aren't.. thought it was definitely weird at first but it goes away (or so far at least with the ones I have used)


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by v0ltagekid

I don't think they are necessarily meant to be blushes, they just cannot label them in the US as shadows because of the red/purple pigments in there, they aren't "eye safe"
I use them on my eyes all the time tho lol!
I did notice there's a certain hardness to pick up the shadows on the first layer, like the diamond shadows.. some of them are like that, some aren't.. thought it was definitely weird at first but it goes away (or so far at least with the ones I have used)

Yes its like they swatch fine, but you have to dip your brush in a bit more to pick up product. but it didn't effect the application. One of my satin e/s - teak has a slight film but still picks up fine as well. I haven't tried any of the diamond finishes to compare. I think tara was also mentioning mostly the brighter colors. Plus i haven't use the iridescent ones enough to get past that first texture layer, but she mentioned it as if they were "cheap" e/s that usually do that. *shrugs* Funnily enough the ones i used that i wouldn't wear as blush, were mahogany, mandarin, auburn, canyon etc. I wouldn't consider a pigment thing. or even light rosewood, rosewood, dark purple pink. the last one and even burnt orange shades would stain slightly but after using remover it comes off. i know even with a paint pot, using MUG poison as a base it does that, but nothing permanent.


Well-known member
Sometimes the review community at Sephora.com drives me nuts!
There are people that are upset because some of the colors are listed as blush. MUFE has always had some of their colors listed as blush. This is not a new development. The famous # 92 is indeed listed as a blush but who do you know that actually used it as one? Think outside the box! Use a blush on your eyes, use an eyeshadow on your cheeks FFS! Then there was the person that was upset that MUFE was forcing her to purchase a case for the shadow. That MUFE should be ashamed that they were forcing women to do something they didn't want to do. Really?! No one is forcing anyone to purchase a case. if that's the case what about the companies that force you to take the case that the shadow comes with and all you want to do it place your item in a z-palette? *rolls eyes* That's all you can find to complain about?


Well-known member
Sometimes the review community at Sephora.com drives me nuts!
There are people that are upset because some of the colors are listed as blush. MUFE has always had some of their colors listed as blush. This is not a new development. The famous # 92 is indeed listed as a blush but who do you know that actually used it as one? Think outside the box! Use a blush on your eyes, use an eyeshadow on your cheeks FFS! Then there was the person that was upset that MUFE was forcing her to purchase a case for the shadow. That MUFE should be ashamed that they were forcing women to do something they didn't want to do. Really?! No one is forcing anyone to purchase a case. if that's the case what about the companies that force you to take the case that the shadow comes with and all you want to do it place your item in a z-palette? *rolls eyes* That's all you can find to complain about?
people aren't happy until they complain... and about anything!
it's so annoying and sickening... you aren't being FORCED to buy anything, you're CHOOSING to buy it.. people slay me... smh


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by DILLIGAF

Sometimes the review community at Sephora.com drives me nuts!
There are people that are upset because some of the colors are listed as blush. MUFE has always had some of their colors listed as blush. This is not a new development. The famous # 92 is indeed listed as a blush but who do you know that actually used it as one? Think outside the box! Use a blush on your eyes, use an eyeshadow on your cheeks FFS! Then there was the person that was upset that MUFE was forcing her to purchase a case for the shadow. That MUFE should be ashamed that they were forcing women to do something they didn't want to do. Really?! No one is forcing anyone to purchase a case. if that's the case what about the companies that force you to take the case that the shadow comes with and all you want to do it place your item in a z-palette? *rolls eyes* That's all you can find to complain about?

lmao , i read that one about forcing women or something. Though i do wish they would sell them for the $14+ instead of having buy trios- yes, is it the end of the world - no lol BTW what shade was #92? I heard a lot about that , someone was mentioning they didn't grab another in time, and then 992? or something wasn't the same shade in the new formula. I only ever bought 162, which took me forever to realize how easy it was to depot recently lol.


Well-known member
Sometimes the review community at Sephora.com drives me nuts! :jerkit: There are people that are upset because some of the colors are listed as blush. MUFE has always had some of their colors listed as blush. This is not a new development. The famous # 92 is indeed listed as a blush but who do you know that actually used it as one? Think outside the box! Use a blush on your eyes, use an eyeshadow on your cheeks FFS! Then there was the person that was upset that MUFE was forcing her to purchase a case for the shadow. That MUFE should be ashamed that they were forcing women to do something they didn't want to do. Really?! No one is forcing anyone to purchase a case. if that's the case what about the companies that force you to take the case that the shadow comes with and all you want to do it place your item in a z-palette? *rolls eyes* That's all you can find to complain about?  :rant:  
What about those that knocked off a star because the shade of their choice was out of stock. SMH. That is a store issue not brand performance. Who does that?


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by butterflyeyes

The infamous MUFE 92

thank you lol. I never knew what was so special about it. i just went to the boutique and didn't even think to check the old shades. i was enamored, swatching all the ones sephora doesn't have. and walking out with 6 hahah. i got tired of sephora canceling my orders for oos items.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by PrettyGirlDoc

What about those that knocked off a star because the shade of their choice was out of stock. SMH. That is a store issue not brand performance. Who does that?

YES, or saying i hope i like it. and they haven't even received it!!! can't they just rate it on the performance, value, cost etc


Well-known member
Sometimes the review community at Sephora.com drives me nuts! :jerkit: There are people that are upset because some of the colors are listed as blush. MUFE has always had some of their colors listed as blush. This is not a new development. The famous # 92 is indeed listed as a blush but who do you know that actually used it as one? Think outside the box! Use a blush on your eyes, use an eyeshadow on your cheeks FFS! Then there was the person that was upset that MUFE was forcing her to purchase a case for the shadow. That MUFE should be ashamed that they were forcing women to do something they didn't want to do. Really?! No one is forcing anyone to purchase a case. if that's the case what about the companies that force you to take the case that the shadow comes with and all you want to do it place your item in a z-palette? *rolls eyes* That's all you can find to complain about?  :rant:  
:lol: I didn't even read the reviews on the set. I rarely read reviews on that site because people think it's the complaints section. Yes, you go ahead and rate something you haven't even touched yet. Genius touch. After that Anastasia Contour Kit fiasco, I checked out on the reviews. I'm up to 6 of these shadows now and I made the right decision to skip the set. I own two shades in the set but all the other colors I'm not really interested in. I'm going for the staple shades. Never thought I'd say this but I'm into more neutral/smokey shades. Maybe because I'm getting old. The shadows are a dream. They blend so well and it just feels great wearing them. I think it's my favorite product of the year.


Well-known member
I'm up to 6 of these shadows now and I made the right decision to skip the set. I own two shades in the set but all the other colors I'm not really interested in. I'm going for the staple shades. Never thought I'd say this but I'm into more neutral/smokey shades. Maybe because I'm getting old. The shadows are a dream. They blend so well and it just feels great wearing them. I think it's my favorite product of the ye
Im with you! after seeing swatches, I knew this palette wasn't gonna be a good purchase for me, not even to put in my kit cause I wouldn't wan to lug it around.
I want all the warm neutrals, lol! and that doesn't mean we're getting old!


Well-known member
Im with you! after seeing swatches, I knew this palette wasn't gonna be a good purchase for me, not even to put in my kit cause I wouldn't wan to lug it around.  I want all the warm neutrals, lol! and that doesn't mean we're getting old!
:haha: Good to know. I just know that I used to reach for all kinds of brights a few years ago and would turn my nose up at most neutrals. Probably because they were always being forced on me by others. I really like the idea of the palette and I would stomach the price if it had different shades. Would've been super cool if we could choose the shades, but that's an unrealistic, dream scenario. I might get a couple of greens because when I do go bright that's my color. There's a couple of good ones in this range. Not touching any blues, though. Despite the fact that it's my favorite color I have never been able to wear blue eyeshadow and feel like it's right.


Well-known member
Has anyone gone an exchanged without an issue, with the promo ? I want to exchange 2 from an online order. I figure it would be fine if it's a straight exchange


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by shontay07108

Haven't done it, but I don't see why it would be a problem.

Yea i figured it should be ok. I thought it would be more of an issue if i were getting additional shadows, because of the special $


New member
Has anyone elese noticed how the pink eyeshadows tend to be more difficult to blend on the first swatch (on hand) ? They do some kind of weird sausage on me (on my hand again, applied with my finger), then I rub my finger again and it finally applies properly. More important, does it do that on the eyelids and applied with a brush ?

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