New packaging for skincare products...


Well-known member
oh man that's sooo pretty! i love it!
well done mac!


Well-known member
I saw them at the counter yesterday and I tried a couple of charged water. I never really believe in "magic" water so I didn't buy any. The new skincare packaging is way better than the old one.


Well-known member
The bottles are also very travel friendly, you can lock the tops of the moisturizers so they dont spill or accidently pump some moisture fix out

also the green gel, gently off eye and lip, etc. have the kind of top that you have to push down and turn to open... like some medicine bottles


Well-known member
This is devastating. I loved the old pro eye makeup remover for the simple fact that it was OIL-FREE and could take everything and it's sister off.

If they are going to screw around with one of my my HG products I don't give a hoot for prettier packaging.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Luxurious
i hate my white fix+ bottle. always you can see the dirt and the make-up color..ewww. after one week using it the bottle was dirty:p

so...i really like the new packaging. more modern and everything. "styled-up"

i hate when my fix+ bottle is dirty.


Well-known member
My counter has them all. I like the look of it and some of the redesign is a definite bonus, i.e. will stay cleaner, better working pumps, etc., but the one downside I see is that with the new hard lotion bottles, you will miss out on some product. You won't be able to squeeze and manipulate the product out like you could with say Strobe or even Studio Fix Moisture (to a degree).

I agree they will be easier for traveling, but if I were flying, I would still tape down the tops and spout as well as put them in a Ziploc. I have had too many boo boos when flying to trust packages.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Patricia
did they discontinue strobe cream???

looks like it; it's off the website. along with the scrub mask. :confused:


Well-known member
strobe cream is not discontinued. it too has a new packaging. if your looking for it on the mac website, click on skincare then you'll see it there. i can't wait till they have all the new stuff in NZ. i'm running out of strobe cream too


Well-known member
I saw them too today and the packages look really pretty!!! I bought fix +, and my first oimpression was that it has a finer mist than with the old bottle!

here's a pic


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