New permanent eyeshadows


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I loove the Glimmershimmers and Lustre's aren't that bad either when you use them with Mixing Medium!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HotLady1970
I loove the Glimmershimmers and Lustre's aren't that bad either when you use them with Mixing Medium!

still, the lustres from the lustrevision collection were pretty bad, especially compared to some of the permanent ones


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HotLady1970
Lustre's aren't that bad either when you use them with Mixing Medium!

That's the thing though - you shouldn't have to use another product just to get an eyeshadow to look good and work well. The average home consumer puts on eyeshadow with a fingertip and would rightfully point out that it's stupid to have to use another product, and the average working make-up artist hasn't got the time nor the patience to mess about with mixing mediums when they shouldn't be required in the first place.

Which sucks, because Fine Shine is a great colour.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanne
still, the lustres from the lustrevision collection were pretty bad, especially compared to some of the permanent ones

I loved Lustrevision!!!!! Casino doesn't even feel like a lustre, Nighttrain is my go to for smokey black eyes, Romantique is a great light pink and of course Goldbit was cool. Oh, and I adored Lustreleaf, the prettiest light green! But hey, to each his own i guess


Well-known member
i also saw this yesterday, i saw (the ones i remember) nighttrian, romantique, fine shine, mineralism, lil lilly and krisp eyeshadow...


Well-known member
Does anybody have an official or full list of what will be permanent? I'd love to know! Thanks!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HotLady1970
I loove the Glimmershimmers and Lustre's aren't that bad either when you use them with Mixing Medium!

Well the other problem with this is that mixing mediums are not available at most locations. And the only thing close to it is EZR so trying to convince the every day consumer that they should purchase EZR just so they can make those lustres work is a REAL hard sale.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACgirl
....and krisp eyeshadow...

Eh? They are bringing that crap bomb back? They should just change the name from Krisp to what it is....Chalk.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

Lustres and glimmershimmers and glitz glosses, oh my! It's like all the crap products of the last three years are coming back to haunt you.



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Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
The shadows on the display unit are organized according to a schematic (basically a placement chart with the names of the shadows). That way the shadows are always in the same spot (easy to find) and are aesthetically pleasing (colour scheme arrangements). Occasionally they redo the schematic to accomodate the introduction of new shadows and discontinuation current regular shadows.

They only have so much room on the display unit. When they add new ones, certain shadows that are then DC'd or are about to become DC'd go in the overflow tray, as they no longer have room on the display unit. The "overflow tray" is either a metal tray or large Pyrex container that holds the shadows and is generally kept right behind the shadow display unit. That way the MAs can still access them until they sell the remaining stock.

Each merchandise/launch period, they put out a merchandising book that talks about what is coming out, where to place it in the store and for how long the product and/or display should be out on the sales floor.

MAs go to a class every merchandise/launch period called "Update". They receive an advance view, training and a book on upcoming products.

Hope that helps.

ahh, now I get it! thank you so much, you're so helpful!!


Originally Posted by Dianora
Now I feel really, really guilty for all the times that I picked up an eyeshadow to check out the name and couldn't remember which open spot I took it from and probably didn't put it back in the correct place.

haha thats where I come in. I dont work there but I always have to fix the order for them lol. it annoys the crap out of mr to see a color like aquadisiac next to something like woodwinked.

Woodwinked belongs around in the top of the second rack thing and aquadisiac is like the last shadow on the second rack. anyway...

haha I hate the overflow tray. I always have to reach over to get at one I want to look at.

Spring Up is STILL at my counter and I'm like ew. Go away.


Well-known member
I wish they'd make some new permanent Veluxe Pearls...the VPs they came out with last year were a bit disappointing.


Well-known member
/\ Agreed! MAC is on such a velvet shadow and lustre shadow & lipstick kick this year! Don't get me wrong, they are good for a part of the collection, but they are really prevalent this year. Yeah..yeah...trend and all that, but come on MAC...throw us a bone!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACgirl
i also saw this yesterday, i saw (the ones i remember) nighttrian, romantique, fine shine, mineralism, lil lilly and krisp eyeshadow...

I would die if they bring back krisp!!! That was my first ever MAC e/s.
I would buy it for sentimental reasons only!!! =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Joke
I would die if they bring back krisp!!! That was my first ever MAC e/s.
I would buy it for sentimental reasons only!!! =)

Oh....sorry! I was talking bad about "your first". I know how sentimental those products can be!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Oh....sorry! I was talking bad about "your first". I know how sentimental those products can be!

No problemo


Well-known member
Mac and becoming more an dmore like EL everyday. Not listening to the demand but picking out what they want to sell. Those glitz glosses--yuck.


I loved Lustrevision! I don't know why everyone's complaining about the good stuff (ie. Glimmershimmers and lustres) finially being made permanent, they're great! Just gotta know how to use them and be willing work with them. Otherwise, you miss out on some great stuff and those lustres were some of the best! Finally I'll have more of Casino.


Originally Posted by calbear
Well the other problem with this is that mixing mediums are not available at most locations. And the only thing close to it is EZR so trying to convince the every day consumer that they should purchase EZR just so they can make those lustres work is a REAL hard sale.

The best substitue for Mixing Medium eye to use the lustres on the eye area would be Fix+ and since it's sold everywhere and not overly expensive, that wouldn't be too bad. Other than that, they could just use a shadestick or paint under them, they work just as well. Lustres aren't hard to work with at all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bein_aranel
The best substitue for Mixing Medium eye to use the lustres on the eye area would be Fix+ and since it's sold everywhere and not overly expensive, that wouldn't be too bad. Other than that, they could just use a shadestick or paint under them, they work just as well. Lustres aren't hard to work with at all.

That's the point. As a makeup artist I can make almost anything 'work' and what I will use on my face or when I'm working is one thing. But it is hard to sell a lustre to the everyday customer when another product is needed to 'make it work'. Some products work better with a base such as a shadestick but to tell the soccer mom customer that she has to use Fix+ in order to make that one little eyeshadow she just ran into the store for a pick me up to work for her is a hard sell.

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