new pets


Well-known member
most of you ladies and gentlemen already know that only a few short months ago, i lost my dog that meant the world to me...and this week we're about to lose our other dog who has been a wonderful pet and friend for the past fifteen years. naturally, the whole thing is very traumatic, especially being within such a short time frame...but i got good news today, and here she is:


a ten month old, pure bred, jet black german shepard. it feels kind of empty around the house without an energetic dog around, and my mom finally agreed to let me get another dog. we're not going to pick her up until christmas day. my sister is coming home on the twenty third and we're going to be putting her dog to sleep that day, so we decided to wait to bring the puppy home because in his state, the last thing he needs is the stress of a new dog. it's hard getting ready to lose someone who's been such a big part of the family for so long, but it's past due...hopefully having this new fuzzy chick in the house will make this one a little easier to handle.

i'm really stoked about this dog, because i can teach her stuff and she can watch cops and eat noodles with me every saturday night. and i soo can't wait to take her on her first run up the mountain. it will be fabulous!

pet stories make me happy, so share yours with me, my dears.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
she's adorable
i love german shepherds!

I LOVE German Shepherds too!

It's kind of rare to find a jet black one around here. So cute.


Well-known member
awwwww!! she's gorgeous kim
i love dogs SO much! i know how hard it is to lose a pet - i lost my precious 13 yr old shih tzu last month and i miss her SOOO much
congrats on your new baby!!!


Well-known member
here is my new baby, Oobi is a 5 yr old shelter abandoned chihuahua, we suspect he was abused, came to me severely underweight, depressed, and in general, a sad sad sad little doggie - I decided to adopt him and he is doing
better every day!

Sorry if this link does not work, it is my first try posting a pic


Well-known member
Awww, she's s cutie!! I love big dogs, but I'm still a cat-girl at heart. I've been lobbying for a third cat, but no luck.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Too cute.

purrtykitty- I have three cats. They all kind of take care of themselves. The only major difference (besides vet bills) is they all like to sleep near me at night.


Well-known member
I already commented, but I will share my story now anyways.

My dad moved away, and took our dog with him, I stayed here . Every weekend I would drive out to see that dog. Then one day I got the worst phone call ever, and it was that My dad took the dog to the vet, The Vet had put him under anesthesia to look down his throat, ( he had been making some weird breathing noises) and the vet had given him TOO much anesthesia and my little bubba never woke up

a year later he adopted another.


Well-known member
I have a a very odd dog. She's a nine year old collie/alsation X and she is a complete mental. she is also the most stubborn and most intelligent dog I've ever had. After having her for a day, she had already worked out the routine. I've never known a dog to be able to do that. She also has a licking reflex. If you scratch the base of her tail, she'll start licking her nose repeatedly. It's rather cute and funny to watch. She loves tuna as well. She only does stuff if she wants to or if she doesn't have any other choice but she's improving all the time. She hates the countryside and is afraid of the dark. And she doesn't like doggy treats.

So all in all she's a loony but she is a wonderful dog. She just needs a little patience sometimes due to her past history. She loves women too. And if she's in a new place she will totally ignore people until she's sniffed it out. She also likes being picked up and having hugs. I think she is infact, a cat trapped in a dogs body lol.

My cat is mental as well. She likes to hide behind doors and then jump out as your walking past and attack your ankles lol. and she gives you this very sweet innocent look with her huge eyes when she's trying to maul your hand. She rather likes batting all the tinsel we've put up as well lol. She also likes to hide in our sock drawer and spy on people.


Active member
I love pet stories. Especially hearing about rescued pets from shelters and the pound. My cat came from the RSPCA, and even as a 10 week old kitten he had some issues. He is always scared of new people, but especially men. He's 3 and 1/2 now and is finally getting to trust new people within a few days instead of weeks.


Well-known member
WOW! A pure black German is pretty rare around here too! Congrats! She's absolutely beautiful!

I've picked up a few strays, but they always managed to leave one way or another, which is strange because my normal dogs never get away.. Maybe they had owners and left to find them? LOL That's what I always tell myself.

I have a Miniature Pincher who always sleeps with me and acts like she's the biggest and baddest thing in the world.. dork..

I have a Golden Retriever that my friend found saw wandering the streets one night in the pouring rain, then saw him again the next morning. He called me over and I picked him up in my car and drove him to my house. Honestly he's a beautiful dog, looks pure to me, but he was bone thin, his nails were worn down really badly, his fur was dirty and matted, and whenever I would raise my hand to pet him he would cringe. I was so angry that such a lovely dog had most likely been abused and beaten (he cringes and rolls over onto his belly when I raise my voice, and it's not even directed to him!) So I took him to my boyfriend's house (he has this HUGE backyard full of grass and weeds and other lovely things the dog could play in lol) and now he lives there. My boyfriend's dad LOVES big dogs and fell in love with the golden. He gives him bathes all the time, feeds him chilled raw egg in the summer because he claims the dog loves it (it's not very healthy for the dog but I don't have the heart to tell him so)
He's a cutie this one~

Finally! The newest addition to the family. A pure Welsh Corgi who's almost a year old! My boyfriend works 8-5 everyday save Sat. and Sun. and since I only go to school, I usually wait around at home for him for hours to get home. Most of my friends are at different UCs and I don't get to hang out very much with them. He's been wanting a Corgi for awhile now and I found a breeder nearby (completely by change of course
) and she had one left. I told my boyfriend to not get too attached and that all puppies are cute when they're small. etc etc etc.. didn't work. He loved him (turbo we call him) and we took him home. Turbo is actually my baby because my boyfriend mainly bought him to keep me company when I'm at home waiting for him to get off work and what not. He's the worst troublemaker though.. and he always puts the blame on the golden and acts all innocent.. ehh..