New skin problem


Well-known member

First of all I would like to say that I love the new look!! It's awesome and way cool!!!
But I do have a problem ...
With the old skin I could easily see which posts I had already checked out, because the titles changed color. Now I don't have this anymore. Is there a way how I can see which posts I have looked into already and which are new to me?



Well-known member
When you have already read a thread that had new replies, the icon to the left changes. There is a key at the bottom that tells you what each icon means. The presence of the green & cream diamond indicates there is a new post that you haven't read yet. If it isn't there, you have already been in that thread. Thats the purpose of those icons to the side, to indicate the status of posts. If the bottom layer is purple/puple, you haven't posted in that thread, if its cream/purple then you have. If is rose in the middle then the topic is "hot" or popular with many posts, and so on.

Beyond that, I've changed it so that the visited link colour is rose on that colour background. Not as easy to read, but hopefully it will satisfy people who find the icons not easily enough to decipher at a glance.


Well-known member
I noticed as well that I can see people's post counts, including mine. Can this be fixed, or am I looking in the wrong place now?


Well-known member
We have removed post counts from the information below your avatar. You can view them by clicking on profiles or viewing the memberlist.