New test tells fetus sex after 6 weeks


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LONDON - A new test dubbed "Pink or Blue" promises to tell parents the sex of their fetus just six weeks into pregnancy, but critics question its reliability and say it could pose an array of ethical issues.


The British company DNA Worldwide launched the test last month for sale over the Internet targeting a broad world audience. A U.S. company has been selling the test online, mainly to Americans, since last year.

The company does not ship to countries including China and India, where there is sometimes a marked preference for boys over girls. Some experts suggested the test could lead some parents to abort if they were unhappy with the result.

The test works by analyzing fetal DNA that leaks into the mother's bloodstream. Some experts expressed doubts about the technique.

"The earlier in pregnancy that you do these tests, the less fetal DNA there will be around, and possibly, the less accurate the test will be," said Dr. Patrick O'Brien, a consultant obstetrician and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

"At six weeks of pregnancy, it's questionable whether the technology is that good."

Parents willing to wait longer can get a head-to-toe ultrasound at 20 weeks that is almost 100 percent accurate. Invasive procedures like an amniocentesis — which carry a small risk of miscarriage — can be done at about 11 weeks.

Parents who order the Pink or Blue test receive a packet where the mother provides a spot of blood on a special card. That is sent back to the company's laboratories, and within four to six days, the gender of the fetus is revealed with up to 98 percent accuracy if instructions are properly followed, according to DNA Worldwide.

Because the test is marketed as "informational" rather than medical, it is not regulated by health authorities in Britain or abroad.

"We're trying to bridge the gap between science and the consumer," said David Nicholson, director of DNA Worldwide. "Many parents are very keen to know if it's a boy or a girl, and we are about providing that information."

The test works by detecting fetal DNA that can naturally be found in the mother's blood. It looks for the male-specific Y chromosome. If the Y chromosome is detected, the fetus is a boy. If not, it's a girl.

The Pink or Blue test is based on a method developed by Italian researchers, who published their research in the journal Human Genetics in 2005. They claimed the Y-chromosome could be reliably identified in the mother's bloodstream as early as six weeks into pregnancy.

DNA Worldwide offers customers a money-back guarantee if their results prove to be wrong. Of the hundreds of tests sold since the test went on sale in April, Nicholson says they have only had to refund one customer.

Even if DNA Worldwide's test is accurate, experts recommend that parents get professional advice.

"Someone who takes this test should talk to their physician if they're going to do anything with that information besides buying baby clothes or painting the nursery," said Dr. Rachel Masch, an obstetrician/gynecologist at New York University School of Medicine.

"And even in that case, they might have to make a lot of returns."

Other experts worried about ethical implications if parents use the information to select the gender of their babies, by getting an abortion if the test indicates the "wrong" sex.

"Sex-selection might encourage parents to view their kids as commodities," said Marcy Darnovsky, associate executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, a U.S.-based public interest group. "Tests like this could normalize genetic selection and lead to a scenario where parents are one day picking out their child's characteristics from a catalogue," Darnovsky said.

Still, doctors said the technology behind the test could one day allow advanced genetic screening, like testing for chromosomal disorders such as Down Syndrome.

"If we had a safe and accurate genetic test to look at fetal DNA, that would be the holy grail," said O'Brien.

Pretty neat, I wonder how long until your pregnancy test also tells you if it's a boy or girl.


Well-known member
I can see some of the outcomes of this test now...and it's not pretty. That is, if it's really accurate. But even if it's not, it could cause SO many problems.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
as someone who is a biomedical engineering major, this is a method to detect the sex of the baby, albiet not a flawless works by elimination - detect the Y chromosome = boy, absence by default = girl. the fact that the undetection of a chromosome that is in very low percentage in the sample to begin with... thats not exactly the most definitive test now is it? the amount of fetal dna in the mother's bloodstream is so miniscule that you would have to PCR all the dna in the sample to amplify the amount of fetal DNA to be detected. there is significant error inherent in this method. PCR is also not the cheapest process in the world. error rates definetly would decline as the pregnancy goes on, since there would be more of the fetal DNA available to test.

also, the article mentions that people would have an abortion because of the sex of the baby. i say you are awful people to kill your baby because its a girl and not a boy, and vice versa. you shouldnt be allowed to reproduce.
that just really made me mad.


Well-known member
It made me mad too. >


Well-known member
I would hope aborting based on sex makes most women mad. Since typically it's the girls who get aborted =( Not sure how mothers can support this...


Well-known member
I'd only be interested because it sucks waiting 20 weeks to find out. Still, that doesn't seem reliable to me.

Amnio tells you relatively soon, but it's not necessary until you're age 35+ and pregnant, so I wouldn't get one just to find that out.

Basically it just sucks waiting 20 weeks. Then again, I'm impatient.

I honestly wouldn't care either way what the gender is, I would just want to know. That's how I am, though. I always wanna know as soon as possible how something's gonna turn out. XD


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I would hope aborting based on sex makes most women mad. Since typically it's the girls who get aborted =( Not sure how mothers can support this...

Aborting PERIOD makes me angry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
Aborting PERIOD makes me angry.

As soon as you open your doors to adopting all the unwanted pregnancies that are aborted yearly, that's a pretty baseless statement. I always find that funny, how people who oppose abortion, have no desire to care or provide for the children born to unwanted pregnancies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I always find that funny, how people who oppose abortion, have no desire to care or provide for the children born to unwanted pregnancies.

I also feel the same about people who oppose gay adoption.

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