new yet intimidated


Well-known member
hey im a new member as of about 4 hours ago and havent gotten off the site since. ive been watching my friend post her FOTD and stuff so i decided to join. im a little intimidated though just looking at all the posts. everyone seems to be a makeup expert with an entire mac store in their bathroom!
i want to start posting FOTD and stuff like that with my meager makeup collection once i work up the courage (and time/patience).

but so far im loving this site.


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra


Well-known member
Welcome aboard, hon. Don't be intimidated. Specktra has a very nice group of members. We are without the drama and catty remarks that you see on so many boards, so no worries.


Well-known member
Don't be intimidated, sis! Use it as motivation....I've only been on here for 2 weeks and already I'm improving on my make-up by viewing pics and chattin' it up with other members. You'll be fine!!



Well-known member
yeah ive been looking at all the forums and replying and stuff and there is hardly ever a negative thing said here. everyone is so positive but still gives constructive criticism when needed.


Well-known member
Hey, I'm new here too. Just a few days.
So from one newbie to another -


Everybody is sooooo nice. I'm having a blast.


Active member
Hello, I am relatively new here as well. Welcome to the forum! I love your Avatar! This forum has taken me from just owning and hoarding makeup to actually using the products and daring to try new looks. It's so much fun and another way to express yourself! Welcome!