Next Mac Friends and Family Sale


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Doubt it. MAC will continue selling the old ones until until the stock runs out, and then the new ones will be put out. Or the old pigments will be RTV'd and sent to CCOs.

yep, yep, yep!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Doubt it. MAC will continue selling the old ones until until the stock runs out, and then the new ones will be put out. Or the old pigments will be RTV'd and sent to CCOs.

But a f&f sale would definitely help expedite the process and make a lot of MAC addicts happy


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
I really hope that they have this sale! I agree that maybe with less overstock they won't be as interested, but since this sale was based on online stock not store stock last year, then maybe they'll still have it?
All I know is that I'm getting used to these sales every 6 months and I'll be bummed if it doesn't happen.

I definately agree. I really hope so too, as I have a TON of things to stock up on!


Well-known member
Since I am fairly new to MAC I have a RL w/l a mile long. My plan is to pick up whatever I can find at the CCO's, along with the old LE stuff they have. Then, I will get the RL items that the CCO's didn't have at the F&F sale. I am really hoping that the sale is in May or mid-year. I need the first of the year to save for Spring Colour Forecast. After that I can save for F&F.


Well-known member
I'm holding off on all MAC purchases (except foundation if I run out) until this sale. C'mon, MAC!!!!


Well-known member
I hope they are reading this!!! I have been checking the site, specktra and google 3 times a day atleast. I neeeeeeeed this sale!!!


Well-known member
I did a Live Chat just now about the Friends & Family Sale here is the convo:

Happy Holidays from MAC Cosmetics Online. Your personal Makeup Artist will be with you shortly.
Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Brandy. How may I assist you?
Jacquelyn: Hi Brandy. I have a question. When is MAC having a Friends & Family Sale?
Brandy: Hi Jacquely! I wish that we knew... Regrettably, we do not have details available on upcoming promotions to share with you at this time. However, I invite you to be one of the first to hear about promotions. Simply sign up to receive MAC Cosmetics Online Newsletters from our homepage or click here to become a Registered Member


Well-known member
^^ Well, while they did not specifically say yes or no, I am leaning towards no, b/c by this time last year, did we not already know? I remember it occurred around Jan 8, which is why they didn't release BBR online til after the sale. They probably just have produced less product this year and don't need a sale to get rid of any excess.


Well-known member
I was told by the girls at my store that the only reason there was a sale was due to massive amounts of overstock from holiday as well as many other collections this year. She said they have received significantly LESS product this year. It was only to try to recoup for overproduction.

I dont think there will be another f&f anytime soon.


Well-known member
I have a feeling that the F&F sale might be pushed out later.
MAC increases their prices once or twice a year. They should at least make sure the F&F sales do happen. Even though they increase their prices, we still stay loyal.

Other businesses like Sephora, Urban Decay, Ulta, etc. all had some sort of sale if an F&F sale didn’t happen. BUT for businesses like Footlocker, they lowered their F&F discounts this year. My cousin is a field auditor for Northern California and Guam. He had told me that they changed there F&F sales; from 30% off to 25%. Then the employees usually get 50% off twice a year and that didn’t happen last month (it should have happened before Xmas). Some companies are catching on; whether it’s to cut sales, decrease packaging (example: new pigment jars) or stop selling certain items (example: Footlocker doesn’t sell tall tees anymore, they transferred items to their brother company, Champs). LOL, sorry to be jumping around with company names.


Well-known member
I wouldn't be surprised if they just had one sale this year, especially if the stock is decreased as many are saying. I believe they've always done it once a year, I just think last year was special.


Well-known member
Though I did notice that they've still got products from Love that Look and Makeup Art Collection, that they should really clear out
And leftover holiday stuff too
But I imagine they'd have waited to launch the new pigments til AFTER the sale if they were having one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I wouldn't be surprised if they just had one sale this year, especially if the stock is decreased as many are saying. I believe they've always done it once a year, I just think last year was special.

I think so too.


Well-known member
I remember Erin saying they didn`t have any sale till last year, so yeah last year was special, and I think they `ll have one if the financial crises was the reason behind the ones last years because even if the economy is relaunching there will be a long way to get back the way it was and I don`t think people will get crowded to buy cosmetics when money is still short for almost everybody