No Color Rules rant


Well-known member
I am so irritated. I work at a private elementary school and we are in the middle of summer camp and most of our "counselors" are either high school or just out of high school kids and a mix of both males and females.
I wore one of my favorite green shadows today with some simple eyeliner, blush and lipgloss and one of the girls came through the office and told me hello. The she laughed and said, "Dude, don't you know you aren't supposed to wear e/s that's the same color as your eyes?"
First of all, is it just me or have some teenagers learned to be too good and pushing buttons? DO I LOOK LIKE A DUDE???? It's a work environment and I'm several years older than you, so show some damn respect! Second of all, I believe that there are no makeup "rules" and you should try to have fun with it and wear what suits you. Yes, I have green eyes and yes, I know the green won't make my eyes stand out or pop, but I liked the color and that's what's important. I just looked at her like, WTF????
Tell me, ladies, do you believe there are "rules" when it comes to makeup or colors? The only thing I really follow myself is not wearing black and brown together. It's not b/c it's supposedly a "rule", it's b/c I don't like it together.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
That was very forward to say and I think she should have kept that to herself.

Personally, I don't think there are any rules exactly, but there are certain things I'd just never wear because it'd look awful on me. For example, dark lip liner and something like myth for a lipstick. That's a rule for me but not for everybody. I think people can make up their own rules to stick to.


Well-known member
I don't really believe in rules either. I do what I want and what I feel looks good on me. I'm just curious... how does she wear her makeup?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FiestyFemme
I don't really believe in rules either. I do what I want and what I feel looks good on me. I'm just curious... how does she wear her makeup?

I'd say she's about 17 and she all really thick eyeliner and LOTS of mascara and she smacks on gum all the time so it kinda reminds me of Britney Spears. Ugh. Oh, and she wears flip flops alot and she totally needs to re-do her toe polish. One of my pet peeves it when a girl wears open toe shoes or flip flops and has like a SPOT of polish left. TAKE THE 45 SECONDS AND USE SOME POLISH REMOVER!!! No offense to anyone who has that, but it just drives me up the wall!!!


Well-known member
Some people just think they know it all & what's good for everyone.

I don't think there are any rules either (I don't know who comes up with these "rules.") I honestly think that anyone can wear any color as long as it's tastefully done. EX: If yellow's not your color, you could always do a look with other colors as well....greens, browns etc. You might not want to slap yellow all over your lid, but in moderation it can look great. Use it as a liner, or blend it with other colors. It just depends how you do it, but I think it can be done
It's all about how you feel!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by euphrosyne_rose
It's not b/c it's supposedly a "rule", it's b/c I don't like it together.

And, there you go. 'Nuf said.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by euphrosyne_rose
I'd say she's about 17 and she all really thick eyeliner and LOTS of mascara and she smacks on gum all the time so it kinda reminds me of Britney Spears. Ugh. Oh, and she wears flip flops alot and she totally needs to re-do her toe polish. One of my pet peeves it when a girl wears open toe shoes or flip flops and has like a SPOT of polish left. TAKE THE 45 SECONDS AND USE SOME POLISH REMOVER!!! No offense to anyone who has that, but it just drives me up the wall!!!

LOL. I had to ask because a lot of times the people who make comments about your makeup have crappy makeup themselves. Kinda OT, but I had a guy I don't really even know comment one of my MySpace pics the other day. I was wearing a few of the Cool Heat e/s in the pic, and he wrote, "OMG are you serious about the eyes? LOL". Pissed me off. I deleted the comment, and I'm officially not talking to him.
Did I ask him about my eyeshadow? LOL.

That's funny about the nail polish remover. I'm pretty good at keeping up with that stuff now, but one time when I was younger, my mom threatened to hog-tie me to take off the last bits of nail polish I had on. Haha.


Well-known member
pfft, I dont believe in the "rules" either. I came to the conclusion after reading all the conflicting "rules" that the beauty mags print, I specifically remember one beauty editor printing "metals on metals are a big no no" then Chanel went & did their models eyes with silver on gold at a collection not long after.

If its done tastefully & you can pull it off I say go for it.


Well-known member
I agree that there are no rules, because some things can look great on you that you would have never imagined.... Some ppl can pull things off that others can't. But I think, as long as you like it and are comfortable in it, then wear it!

As for the "Don't wear eyeshadow that's the same color as your eyes" rule, never heard of it.... My eyes are light brown and I wear different shades of brown sometimes to make my eyes stand out.


Well-known member
yeah i got annoyed at work the other week because one of my staff members said that i looked like the hulk. when i asked why he said it was my 'crazy green shit' on my eye.

i was wearing steamy and teal pigment as eyeliner and not sure what else...but i didn't look hulk green!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
yeah i got annoyed at work the other week because one of my staff members said that i looked like the hulk. when i asked why he said it was my 'crazy green shit' on my eye.

i was wearing steamy and teal pigment as eyeliner and not sure what else...but i didn't look hulk green!!

What a jerk. If we were wearing no makeup up at all, they would complain we look ugly or dead. There's no satisfying men. Hrmph.


Well-known member
I have brown eyes and I wear brown shadow. Or green. Or purple. Or pink, blue, teal, plum, black... whatever I feel like. I don't worry about "rules" or "pulling it off" (really, that's a pet peeve - "I wish I could pull off crazy eye makeup like you!" *simmer*)


Well-known member
I say wear whatever you feel looks good on you! If someone doesn't like they don't have to look at it! I always wear bold colors to work(I,too,teach at a private elementary school) and if I didn't my students would think something was wrong with me. They always comment on my makeup and They are first graders! If it makes you happy,why not?


Well-known member
I dont believe in colour MU rules but believe in making things work for you with more difficult colours...

I also dont pay attention to unfavourable comments - its their prob, not urs. U keep rocking ur green eyeshadow, hun!


Well-known member
When I read that, I totally thought in my head that I wanted to say to the girl "DUDE, YOU'RE A DUMBASS" in the same voice as that Dell dude guy that used to be in all the Dell commercials

I don't think there are any rules. Supposedly you're not supposed to match your makeup to your clothes but I do it, not in a tacky completely matching way but in a way that compliments it.

It's makeup, if there are all these rules it isn't fun and creative anymore.


Well-known member
Oh wow...I would have went And I totally believe there are no rules. You just have to know what works for you and go with it.

I was actually once told by a MAC artist that I should never wear black liner...that it was "too harsh"...yeah. I wasn't even wearing makeup that day. I told her I usually wear black liner and she reacted like super shocked. She then explained to me that black liner would be "too harsh for my coloring..." ????
I think the problem comes with people giving you advice based on what works for them. Take my situation. This mac artist had very blonde hair and light eyebrows/eyelashes...almost nonexistant. I'm from the school where anyone can wear black liner, but I realize that on her without mascara or false lashes, it couldve been a bit harsh. So therefore, it was harsh for everyone in her Then there I am with dark brown hair and naturally dark brown/black eyebrows and eyelashes...but black liner won't work for me in her I don't think she understood the concept of eyeliner and what it's supposed to do. I feel weird wearing brown because it's more noticeable through my eyelashes because it doesn't match...its too light. So on me, I feel black looks more natural.
People just need to keep their mouths shut if they don't know what they're talking about. I can't stand know-it-all's who know nothing.

IMO, the only rule in makeup is to make it look Any color can work on anyone if it's done right.