Non rehireable by MAC?


New member
Hey all!
So I worked for MAC part time 6 years ago (when I was 19) and just starting out as a MUA. Long story short, a freelancer who didn't care for me royally screwed me over and I was let go. It was probably my fault for being so naive.
At the time I was marked non-rehireable.
Since then I've grown up a lot, am much more responsible, and my makeup skills have grown tremendously. I am coming back to the States from makeup school in Toronto and would love to work for MAC again. I know I have a lot more to offer this time around.
Does anyone know how I can over come this non-rehireable status? People I know at counters have said something about contacting the offices. Does anyone know who in particular I should speak to?
I am in the Philadelphia region if that helps.


Well-known member
I know most times when companys code you this way there isnt away to get it removed unless you can prove they were initially wrong in there reasons for doing it. Who knows how long this stays in the system though. Most companies only keep employment records 7 to 10 years. If you dispute it after your file has been destroyed maybe they wont have a choice but to remove. Who knows though. Every company has diffrent policys. Im sure a District Manager or someone could over ride the decesion if they trully wanted too. But of course thats up to them. Im sorry that happend. Its sucks things have to stay with us so long!


Active member
I don't mean this in a rude way but how do you know you were marked non rehireable? If you saw it on paper forget I even questioned. But ya never know. If somebody simply told you that you were marked as such, who's to say they're not a lying beyotch trying to upset you?

As previously stated, it varies from company to company. You *may* be able to get it fixed if you were...and you may not. But you never know until you try.

I really do wish you the best of luck with this situation. Please keep us posted and let us know what happens.


Well-known member
They normally tell you when you apply again that you are on the Do Not Rehire list and they are unable to offer you a position in the company...they don't give a reason...Just say...Sorry my hands are tied..and most don;t investigate if it was for a stupid reason.....I have worked at many companies and we would not remove it...But maybe you can talk to someone ...It never hurts to try.