Not suitable for anyone with a weak stomach or...well. whatever.


Well-known member
Jesus, what complete morons!!! Ugh.

Today in the paper I read another story of two teenage boys who threw a rock at some tourists in Italy from some stairs, and the stone hit a baby that the tourism mom was holding in her arms, and the baby DIED! I'll see if I can find a link to that.


Well-known member
Oh my f*cking god.

I knew I shouldn't have clicked the link, being 7 months pregnant and all, but oh jesus that just upset me greatly.

Both teenagers should be locked away for this. An 8 month old could suffer permanent brain damage from this kind of behaviour.


Well-known member
This made me sick!! 16 heck 8 is old enough to know a baby or any other living creature for that matter is not to be harmed in any way. What is even sicker is the boy taping the whole thing, if he didn't know what was going to happen wouldn't he have dropped the camera to see if the baby was OK and not post it on youtube and be showing it off. I hope that they both face the consequences of their acts in an adequate proportion,not lame ass community service.
And I agree with shimmer if it were my 10 year old daughter (she's old enough to know better not to mention a 16 year old) doing this she wouldn't be able to sit for quite some time. Parents should reflect how they can help and what they have failed to provide (time, attention, love, psychiatrists) to their children before they become murderers.


Well-known member
OK, I'm sure this is going to get someone's panties in a wad, but what is with all these women who leave their babies in the care of random men? How in the hell did those kids even have time alone with this child?

But yeah, I hope someone beats those boys with a baseball bat.


Well-known member
How sad.


Well-known member
I am not going to click that link. There is absolutely no benefit I gain by watching that other than making myself cry. People like that make me sick!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's absolutely disgusting.

I'm glad those assholes were dumb enough to film it. I just don't get what's wrong with people.


Well-known member
I did some research and found some follow up :

Teenager Bounces Baby Off of Pillow
Did you see this on the news last night?

A family in Georgia was asked to baby sit an eight month old infant. A 16 year old teenager took the baby and bounced it off an inflated pillow. His buddy video taped this and the kids uploaded the video to YouTube because they thought what they did was "cool."

A teacher apparently saw the YouTube video and contacted the police.

In the video you can see the teenager placing the infant on an inflated pillow. He then falls onto the pillow with his knees and the baby flies through the air. It looked like it got as high as 3 feet and you can hear it crying. To be candid, I couldn't watch the end of this video. The casual indifference of the teenager and the ensuing act was just too horrifying.

According to news reports, the parents rushed into the room and asked why the baby was crying. The boys explained that the baby had "fallen" off a pillow.

The boy who bounced the baby has been arrested and has been charged with both first and third degree cruelty to children. He could be incarcerated at a juvenile center until he turns 21. The other boy has yet to be charged. The county sheriff is so annoyed that he's meeting with the district attorney on Monday to see if he can convince the DA to press charges.

I cannot even imagine what any of the parents think.

The baby was taken to a local hospital where doctors were relieved to report that the infant had suffered no injuries.

Here's a link to a news story complete with video.


Well-known member
That is horrific... you wonder sometimes where the kids get their common sense. Hopefully the baby will be alright and they go to jail and get what they deserve.


Well-known member
That's awful and really makes me wonder what the hell is so wrong with people that they think something like that would be funny. And sadly, I can see my two older cousins doing something that awful. They're both nearly 30 now, but the oldest of the two definitely would have done such a thing at that age. I hope that both boys have to spend a good amount of time in prison, thinking about what a horrible thing they've done and hoping that they don't have their asses sued to infinity when they get out.


Well-known member
That really really pissed me off.
I really don't have any words for this, except I believe torture is necessary to this stupid motherfucker that did that to that baby.


M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
The link wouldn't work for me, and honestly, I'm kind of glad.

These sort of things really bother me and I know I'd probably have an emotional reaction. Even without having watched it, I'm angry and upset, but hopeful that the infant will be okay.

Cases like these are precisely the reason why my daughter and I have been inseperable since birth.

I actually engaged in a lengthy debate some time ago about how underdeveloped a teenager's brain is as far as the thought process, and I was pretty much all on my own, but this case just proves me right.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
The link wouldn't work for me, and honestly, I'm kind of glad.

These sort of things really bother me and I know I'd probably have an emotional reaction. Even without having watched it, I'm angry and upset, but hopeful that the infant will be okay.

Cases like these are precisely the reason why my daughter and I have been inseperable since birth.

I actually engaged in a lengthy debate some time ago about how underdeveloped a teenager's brain is as far as the thought process, and I was pretty much all on my own, but this case just proves me right.

I'm not sure underdevelopment in a teenager's brain is the issue behind these crimes. I did stupid crap as a teen, but I don't think I would've ever done that to a child. This is pure cruelty.


Well-known member
Ok as a mother I know already that I am not going to be able to click on that link. Stuff like this just fires me up. I can't even believe that there are people on this earth with such little moral fiber as to pull a stunt like this. I really wish people like this would just get lobodomies or something. Waste of space and air. For real.


Well-known member
There is proof that teenagers brains do not feel as much empathy/sympathy. Not to say that all are like that or that it is an excuse, but I definitely see it as a contributing factor. I also measure in that teenagers have so many hormones running through them, that that often clouds their decisions. Add that to a bit of sibling jealousy, some (probably) bad parenting, desensitization to violence and there you go.

I really love how the newscaster must have looped the footage of that baby flying across the room like 20 times. It's kind of like, "Oh how horrifying!!!! But here it is again."

ETA: I thought the teenager was related to the baby, but I guess not. Nevermind the sibling jealousy thing. I guess you can replace that with additonal sheer stupidity.