not sure fake or not..


Well-known member
thats what i thought already
somewhere this naieve part of me believed the seller just figured the bids would go up allot :s


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
20 pigments of your choice for 4 bucks>
cant be real.

I wouldnt write this one off actually. Besides the fact that the list of colours available is so comprehensive it would be impossible to fake every single colour there JUST for THIS auction, of that list there are dozens that I have never seen fakes of anywhere - even among our infamous thai sellers who seem to have more fakes than anyone.
I have also seen real pigments start as low as $1 auction and you can be sure that where there is a "lot" like this the bidding will quickly climb - especially when buyers have a choice of colours, particularly where pro colours are made available.

I have to tell you these look real to me!


Well-known member
whiiee, a little sparkle of hope there ^^
i wrote her a message asking if she could take more pics of certain pigments
(thank you specktra XD)
but she replied that she did not fully understood my question, anyhow she said that she could only take pictures after the auction has been won and she went to get the colours chosen...
next message to her : where do you get your mac products xd