Not Yet...But...


Well-known member
I'm not pregnant, nor will I be for a few years (damn school....I gotta wait til I am done and finished and all that)
but....I have wanted to be pregnant since like..grade 10. My life goal is to have babies....I dont care really what I do as a career, I want to be a mum.

and I have found my future husband
So I am almost there.

I made a decision a little while back to live healthy and eat right and everything so that when I do go and get pregnant that I will have the healthiest pregnancy possible.

Haha...I even buy clothes that have a lot of stretchability (and I save my clothes from my larger sizes) so that I can wear them when I am pregnant.

My friends make fun of me sometimes cuz I am obsessive...haha..I live like 2 houses away from a nursery and the kids play outside and they are just so adorable in their snowsuits in the winter (or just in regular clothes too...) they give me odd looks cuz I have blue hair...haha

Anyways...I just wanted to share my lifelong goal..haha


Well-known member
thats a very cute lifelong goal if i must say so myself. it was mine too. but it took me 2 trys to find the right daddy HAHA... he's a good stepdaddy though
my daughter is HIS daughter and now we're having a son YAY!!! its very good to start getting healthy b4 u get preg... i didn't. i wasn't eating right when i got pregnant so i had to supplement my diet a lot!!!


Well-known member
A question that I have: what kinds of clothes can I buy now that would probably still work when I am 6months and 9 months etc etc....

(That seems to be one of my tests if I like a clothing article or not...I stick out my belly as far as it will go and if it looks nice I consider buying it...haha...I have this awesome shirt that has a LOT of stretch in it and it also hilights my breasts quite I think that one will make an awesome preggy shirt)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
A question that I have: what kinds of clothes can I buy now that would probably still work when I am 6months and 9 months etc etc....

Are you really planning on wearing the same shirt you buy today, when your pregnant? What if it's not as soon as you hope? I really dont see the point in buying a maternity wardrobe thats also, your normal wardrobe.

Besides, it's an escuse to go out shopping for maternity wear when you actually need it (like any of us needs an escuse to go shopping). And you'll have your normal wardrobe waiting for you when your belly gets back to normal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
I have wanted to be pregnant since like..grade 10. My life goal is to have babies....I dont care really what I do as a career, I want to be a mum.

Not being one to shy away from potentially inflamatory topics lol...

Can I ask why?

There is more to being a Mom than being pregnant. Being a Mom does't have to be a career. What happens when your little birdies grow up and leave the nest?

Not to mention, if my office is anything but proof of (we just had one of our ladies return from 3 months of Maternity leave today actually), you can live a full life, AND be a mom at the same time. We dont even have a single guy in our office. It's all women, and most of them are Moms with 1 to 3 children.

And who's to say you'll be with your future husband? If your still in school, you'll prolly go through a few "future husbands" before actually getting married. Sure it happens, and highschool or college sweethearts do get married and have kids, but not very often. Least not in my expierences.

My advice? As wonderful as being a Mom is (Someday for me, just dont know when yet) being a Mom doesn't have to define 100% of who you are. It can be a VERY important part of your life, but it doesn't have to be all of it. Do yourself a favor, and get a career. Your child will thank you down the line when your not only able to raise them properly with income from a two income household (living is only getting more expensive), but also have more real world expierence to pass on to them, helping them grow up to be more well rounded adults.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Not being one to shy away from potentially inflamatory topics lol...

Can I ask why?

There is more to being a Mom than being pregnant. Being a Mom does't have to be a career. What happens when your little birdies grow up and leave the nest?

I know that, but I love kids, and I would love to have kids that are half mine, half my love's. To have something that is mine, yet is it's own person as well. To watch them grow up and to learn things from them as well as teach them. I want to have a family, I want to do things as a family.

Not to mention, if my office is anything but proof of (we just had one of our ladies return from 3 months of Maternity leave today actually), you can live a full life, AND be a mom at the same time. We dont even have a single guy in our office. It's all women, and most of them are Moms with 1 to 3 children.

I know that as well, I am not saying that I will not go and get a job or anything and I'll just lie back and get pregnant and shoot out babies and leave my husband to be the sole support, I want to have a job, and I want a family...I just don't really have a 'set career' that I need to get into...I am a woman of many skills and I would be happy doing any of those as a career, but my biggest 'want' outta life is to be able to have a family

And who's to say you'll be with your future husband? If your still in school, you'll prolly go through a few "future husbands" before actually getting married. Sure it happens, and highschool or college sweethearts do get married and have kids, but not very often. Least not in my expierences.

1. I am not in high school, and it's not my high school sweetheart. 2. I know we are getting married, there is no situation I can forsee happening that will cause a breakup barring cheatin (very unlikely) or death (more likely than cheating). I am 20, and I am mature for my age, I am not some lovesick puppyeyed hormonal teenager that is thinking they are going to marry anyone they lay their eyes on, he has everything I could want in a husband (and father for our future children) and we have talked about marriage and plan to be married within 3 years, we are waiting until at least one of us, preferably both, are out of college/university and has a stable job before getting married and having children

My advice? As wonderful as being a Mom is (Someday for me, just dont know when yet) being a Mom doesn't have to define 100% of who you are. It can be a VERY important part of your life, but it doesn't have to be all of it. Do yourself a favor, and get a career. Your child will thank you down the line when your not only able to raise them properly with income from a two income household (living is only getting more expensive), but also have more real world expierence to pass on to them, helping them grow up to be more well rounded adults.

Okay, i think I responded to all that

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