I've been wondering about this for a very long time. I went to the Aurora CCO for the first time almost two years ago.
I took a bunch of stuff to the counter to pay. There was only one palette box set on the floor and I grabbed it. It looked like this: P=1
That same design.
As I was waiting, a customer was purchasing a palette with the crystals on them. I'm pretty sure that her palette was the Parrot one. She kept admiring the colors. I was floored when I saw the sparkling packaging, and asked if I could get that one instead of the one above.The rep took the palette that was in my hand and went into the back to get me the sparkley palette. I made my purchase and left to go home. While I was on the train, I looked at my new stuff. I thought it was weird that the sparkley compact had the exact same shadows as the lined designed but didn't think anything else of it.
After looking at this post and seeing the pictures on the Nordstrom set, I am now positive that I almost had the Jewel Eye palette. I was very new to makeup, and had no idea what I passed up!
Did MAC put the 6 Eyes: Dazzle 1 palette (which I bought) in the crystal turqoise packaging also? P=1
Did Dazzle 1 have the same colors as Cool Eye 6 (which I'm assuming was also called Printout)?
I've been wondering about this for a very long time. I went to the Aurora CCO for the first time almost two years ago.
I took a bunch of stuff to the counter to pay. There was only one palette box set on the floor and I grabbed it. It looked like this: P=1
That same design.
As I was waiting, a customer was purchasing a palette with the crystals on them. I'm pretty sure that her palette was the Parrot one. She kept admiring the colors. I was floored when I saw the sparkling packaging, and asked if I could get that one instead of the one above.The rep took the palette that was in my hand and went into the back to get me the sparkley palette. I made my purchase and left to go home. While I was on the train, I looked at my new stuff. I thought it was weird that the sparkley compact had the exact same shadows as the lined designed but didn't think anything else of it.
After looking at this post and seeing the pictures on the Nordstrom set, I am now positive that I almost had the Jewel Eye palette. I was very new to makeup, and had no idea what I passed up!
Did MAC put the 6 Eyes: Dazzle 1 palette (which I bought) in the crystal turqoise packaging also? P=1
Did Dazzle 1 have the same colors as Cool Eye 6 (which I'm assuming was also called Printout)?