NYX e/s what to buy?


Active member
a few of my nyx trio eyeshadows hardened on the top, making it difficult for me to pick up any color at all
i've tried scraping the top portion off but it still doesn't really work that well... anyone know how to fix this???

i also think the singles are much better in quality... all my singles work really well (with the exception of luxor... it came shattered in the mail and i repressed it with alcohol... and it seems to lack in pigmentation now.....??)


Well-known member
i can't wait until i go to florida next month! i've made a big list of nyx products that i want. and thanks to this thred i now know not to bother with teh trio shadows. i want a couple of the jumbo pencils that they do as well as i've heard tehy're pretty good for the price.


Originally Posted by plastikpony
i also think the singles are much better in quality... all my singles work really well (with the exception of luxor... it came shattered in the mail and i repressed it with alcohol... and it seems to lack in pigmentation now.....??)

how strange, my luxor eyeshadow also came cracked when i received my shipment. thankfully, it was only one corner and i didn't lose too much product... but it was the only one that was affected out of the 12 others... maybe it has something to do with the pigment formula


Well-known member
Eutopia, Jungle Fever and Mermaid Green singles are all gorgeous, I really recommend them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cyens
singles are better then trios

I second that..
I got.. think its called lime juice and some rusty red looking one.. very nice.

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