NYX Products


Active member
Re: A bit NYX'ed out....

Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Be sure to make sure what the MAC dupes are before you start with collection MAC.

Could you line them up and tell us the colors of them, would so appreciated by so many.

I will get to that later in the week. I am rather lazy right now, but just for you...I will.


Active member
Re: A bit NYX'ed out....

i've been curious about nyx eyeshadows for a while now..if you don't mind answering, how do these compare to mac eyeshadows? (pigmentation, blendability, wearability etc)


Well-known member
Re: A bit NYX'ed out....

WOW!! That's a lot of NYX eyeshadows! I don't own any of their eyeshadows but I own some of the lipglosses and a blush.


Active member
Re: A bit NYX'ed out....

Originally Posted by autumnschild
i've been curious about nyx eyeshadows for a while now..if you don't mind answering, how do these compare to mac eyeshadows? (pigmentation, blendability, wearability etc)

They are very pigmented. I don't have any trouble blending. I can't compare to MAC cause I just started buying MAC. I just call them a cheaper version for myself.


Well-known member
Re: A bit NYX'ed out....

See I love NYX also...I prefer the singles...I have a couple trios though..which reminds me I haven't used them...but mostly singles...they do blend well and last long with a primer and I also use their eye pencils as well...great collection!


Originally Posted by yashoda17
im not sure if anyone asked this already but can these be bought in Canada?

You can find them at selected Phrama Plus/Rexall stores. Although they dont have a wide selection of colours and items... check out NYX Cosmetics Canada - NYX Cosmetics for store locations

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Wow, I just placed my first ever order for NYX products @ Cherry culture ... It's all because of the great reviews of their products from all you guys
Thank you all
... Let's see how it goes ...
Have ordered 8 eye shadows + 2 round lipsticks .... If this goes well, then I just might become their regular customer


Well-known member
I love their eyeshadows and lip products! Except their regular line of "Super long lashes", it did nothing for me! ($4 goes into garbage can
) I often heard about negative comments on their trios. I have not a thing for mattes, so the hot pink/cherry/blue I got was alright. I ordered more, but haven't tried them yet..

Anyway, I kinda like Round lipgloss lemon freshner scent, but dislike Megashine's artificial cherry smell - and anything related like kool-aid cherry drinks. Their lip products are a staple for me... Why would I go for some high-ends when I can have something for cheaper but essentially the same thing? NYX formula is great for those who don't like sticky and tacky lips

i could really skip their chrome eyeshadow and buy me some online mineral makeup instead after I bought my first bunch of them.

Overall, they've got Excellent lip products and certain Splendid eye products. take your pick!


Well-known member
I bought the NYX felt tip pen liner the other day after hearing raves about how great it is and it's better than MACs penultimate liner. I HATED it. It's stiff as hell, "ink" doesn't come out unless its pointed down (which I can't do while lining my eyes). It was just..terrible..
anybody else tried this?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
Where can you buy these eyeshadows at? I have heard so much about them and I was curious to check them out!

i usually get them either at LONGS DRUGS and/or ULTA u can always try purchasing them at ULTA.COM!


Well-known member
Aaaah! I was so excited to find out that NYX is sold here, in Bermuda!

They are sold at an old historic pharmacy called Robertson's Drugstore in St. George's.

They don't carry every single thing, but they do have a selection of single eyeshadows, e/s trios, round lipsticks, blushes, lip balms, lip glosses, jumbo pencils, & nail polishes!

I got 4 single eyeshadows... Beanie, Aloha, Luster, & Deep Purple.

I like them so far.

I had ordered the loose pearl pigments from eBay before... they are OK. Great colors.


Well-known member
It's funny. When I first heard of NYX, I thought the person said N.Y.C (that brand you see at any CVS)

Anyway I bought the eyeshadow in Copper and it is amazing. Very surprised by the quality. I am going to go back to get more. I bought mine at an Ulta store

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I was just at Ulta last night and I finally picked up some NYX products. I bought only a few:

-Jumbo Eye Pencil in Black Bean and Milk
-Diamond Lip Gloss in Fuscia

I love everything that I bought, so I will be getting more from NYX. I may even order from the site. But that could be a problem because the site has a bazillion more products than I've EVER seen in a store.

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