Obscene, vile, and disgusting.


Well-known member
what a sad story! i even checked out the myspace pics, and it looks like something was wrong with the baby being so tiny and you can see marks/bruises on the face.

those parents
need to be punished!
my stomach is sick now.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prinsesa
This just made me cry

I just broke down and started bawling at my computer.

The other story is just as sad, but to actually see that man doing that to that baby and then the baby following him as he left. My body is still hot from how angry this has made me. I hope they all burn.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I just broke down and started bawling at my computer.

The other story is just as sad, but to actually see that man doing that to that baby and then the baby following him as he left. My body is still hot from how angry this has made me. I hope they all burn.

That part got me, too...when the baby got up and followed him. I just wanted to scream NO! RUN AWAY.

So so sad.


Well-known member
Shimmer---can you please let us know what the court decides to do as far as taking him off life support or not?

I would like to hear what happens with this and if the parents will do any time, etc.


Well-known member
did anyone else see the dad's myspace pics of...
liquor, weed, young people pointing guns, some mean looking dogs.
and his occupation: gangsta...!
mood: high....!
look at the way he represents himself!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chiquilla_loca
did anyone else see the dad's myspace pics of...
liquor, weed, young people pointing guns, some mean looking dogs.
and his occupation: gangsta...!
mood: high....!
look at the way he represents himself!

The thing is..a lot of people has what he typed on his myspace and the graphics etc.


Well-known member
a few things like this are happening in the uk. lately we see a lot of child abuse in the news and the horrific things people do to their kids make me feel sick. i dont understand why these people even have children. why get pregnant in the first place!!

in the news the other week there was a story about a todler and her mum had stood by and watched while her bf tortured her baby, they found her blood in the cupboards where he would lock her in. when he finally had killed her they tried to make it look like she had drowned in the bath. what sick person could do that to a defenceless baby then attempt to make it look like she had drowned?!

people are just disgusting. i wish we had capital punishment for people like that.


Well-known member
I'm glab I'm not the only person who's crying after reading the article and watching that video.

I'm so curious to know what goes through these people's minds when they're abusing a helpless, little, adorable child.


Well-known member
^^ I know right...I have tried to listen to as little of this story as possible on the news ....I hate hearing about anything that has anything to do with harming defenseless children...so sad. It just makes you sick to hear and watch. It makes you cringe knowing the pain they must have felt


Well-known member
I'm all for SAFE co-sleeping. My son slept with me for a while as a baby wih no problems ever. But, reports say to not co-sleep if you're a very sound sleeper, overweight, use medication, drink, etc. Anyways, I digress. What those parents did was absolutely horrible. Their story is unbelievable and they need to be punished in the most severe manner. I cannot believe the excuses they gave. She "playfully" bit his fingers??? They knew the husband was a wild sleeper but the baby still slept in the same bed? And I admit, when I see myspace stats like the one he has, I do think less of the person as a parent. There is a time to grow up for everyone.

It just makes me very sad.


Well-known member
I hope they are put in jail and both are beaten mercilessly, and left to bleed to death, slowly and painfully.

The only semi-good thing is that they are unable to hurt this little angel any longer.

I hope they burn in hell and are ass raped by demons with no lube. Pigs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
If anyones interested, here are their myspaces
check out the moms blog's... all I have to say is... wtf!?!?!?!

MySpace.com - 78 Nova - 22 - Female - DALLAS, Texas - www.myspace.com/254021170
MySpace.com - Hu$tle H@rd To M@int@in - 23 - Male - Dollaz, Texas - MySpace.com - Hu$tle H@rd To M@int@in - 23 - Male - Dollaz, Texas - www.myspace.com/D_MANFROMDALLAS

it's funny how one of the guy's profiles says "Proud Parent".

Not HAHA funny.
But *oh god-facepalm* funny.


Well-known member
I refuse to watch that video.
This makes me sick, sick, sick. And to think, they look so normal..wth? What is wrong with people? seriously.
Do they enjoy it? or do they not understand?


Well-known member
Im speechless. I hope that the baby has a chance at life, and is not brain damaged. I hope the boy in the video gets the hell away from that man.

It makes me so mad. I dont see how anyone could abuse these children. It makes me want to have kids and be the best mom in the world. I wish that these children can just experience a minute of love..I hope the baby could just get a loving hug or kiss, and the little boy as well. It just breaks my heart...

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