October Haulage.... and a glimpse of my mac update!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by airplane_girl
nice haul! That red reflects looks intense

actually that's not reflects red. that just red. reflects red is white glitter that shines red at certain angles. there's a BIG difference between the two. but yes, red glitter is super intense!


Well-known member
Wooow thank you so much for this!! Seeing all this makes me want to work for MAC even more ugh! Thank you so much for this again! You star!!
Also whereabouts in Soho in London do you have to go for update? I've always wondered that lol.


Well-known member
p.s we have the same bedsheets! EVERY time i see pics like this of yours i'm like 'wtf, MY BED!'. good old asda


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
p.s we have the same bedsheets! EVERY time i see pics like this of yours i'm like 'wtf, MY BED!'. good old asda

Hehe I got mine from Tescos! Actually my boyfriend has decided he can't handle the polka dots anymore so we're going to be getting this lovely little duvet in a few days (i may have to keep the polka dots in a cupboard though, they're too cute) Buy Inspire Rococo Super King Size Duvet Cover Set. at Argos.co.uk - Your Online Shop for .

The Soho Pro Store is near Carnaby. You get the central red line on the tube, and I think you either get off on Bond or Oxford Circus. It's really easy to find. Soho is definitly my favorite shop so far out of all of the different ones I've been to! I'm dying to go up again for the day and get some more pro stuff. Glitters, pigments and some of the other pro only stuff!


Well-known member
You are so lucky... love your goodies. That liner rocks... will have to get one when it comes out.


Well-known member
Thanks for the great info! Especially the red lip combo (crazee and love alert, it looks so much darker than crazee to me!!) AND the liner. I was on the fence on that, but I definitely need that now..Great haul-congrats!



Penultimate Eyeliner is set to take over Bootblack! I tried it and trust me, it's goooood! Easier to get a wispy flick and less mess than bootblack. However I will be sad if they d/c bb!
Here is one of our Mac Trainers sporting the Penulitmate liner! It looks gorgeous! It's different as it has a jet black carbon pigment in it to give mac the blackest of black liquid eyeliners so far! Trust me you will want one!!! (I haven't changed the saturation on this photo or anything and look how black it is!!!)

my my my! thanks alot for this wonderful post! i should be hating you for it, making me think of all the wonderful things i want to buy now because of it! mainly that eyeliner..

the woman wearing it has the most AMAZING eye colour.. im in love..

and i love ten years younger for givign those deserving woman a confidence boost, but boy do i dislike nicki hamilton! some of the things she says to the poor women are so vicious and would make me feel very insecure!!!



Well-known member
I know. I don't think she's that amazing. She could do with a 10 years younger make over!!