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Odd-ball Tutorial-Dr. Frank-n-Furter (Rocky Horror)


Well-known member
great, gal! let's do the time warp again!


Well-known member
You know, I'd never actually studied Frankenfurter's makeup in detail (it's been a while since I saw the film or the stage show) but I reckon you've done a great job. Thanks for sharing it with us! :thumbsup:


Well-known member
This is great, my friend wants to go as Frankenfurter for Halloween so this is definitely being saved to my favourites :]


I love this because you look so pretty even though your aim was to look like Tim Curry in drag. The marking of a skilled artist, I'd say! Rock on.


Well-known member
One of my fave movies ever and you pull it off so well ... they are right ... Tim Curry would be so proud!

Thanks for doing this!