Odium FOTD - Green!


Well-known member

Happy Mother's Day!


Well-known member
Man I love your hair!! And your eyes match it-thats awesome!! Fabulous application! Adore the lips as well!!! <3 palatial!


Well-known member
Like PrettyKitty said: WOW (Again!!) And I cant ignore your hair...I love it!


WOW! where do i start?

You hair is AMAZING! and your eyeshadow compliments it soooo well.

and your eyes are the most beautiful VIVID green i have ever seen on a person!!! (the aren't contacts are they?)


Well-known member
Stunning eyes yet again - and you've confirmed that I really ought to get that lustreglass. Spectacular colour choices happening here! You look fantastic.


Well-known member
thanks a bunch you guys! hopefully next weekend i can do two more for all of you.

and to answer the question "are your eyes really that green?", yes...they are green. BUT, i'm slightly aided by some lightly tinted green contacts. it certainly makes them pop!


Well-known member

Wow... When I look at the close up, it looks so perfect- like how most pictures look AFTER airbrushing! And I would kill to be able to have a 'do like yours, but I'm a complete sissy. The wildest thing I've ever had were chunky red, dark chocolate brown, and red stripes, with dark chocolate brown on the underneath part.

So yea, you are my idol... lol


Well-known member
OMFG!!! Luves it!!

Can you post a pic of the back & side views of your hair?

Sorry, I'm a stylist/colorist and I'd love to see the rest of that fabulous coif!!

And how do you get your eyebrows so freakin' perfect?!?!?

I'm an eyebrow FANATIC and mine aren't near as perfect as yours are!!