oh, eyebrows!


Well-known member
TDoll your eyebrows are gorgeous!!! You went through a lot but they look really great now!! lol It was worth the struggle.


Well-known member
I am obsessed too. My eyebrows don't have a natural shape (and they are a unibrow if I don't thread them) and the hairs grow in all directions. I have to measure them, mark them with a bright teal pencil, thread, pluck stray hairs, etc to make sure that they aren't uneven.


Well-known member
My eyebrow threader swears by applying castor oil to your brows to make them grow thicker and fill out better. Not tried it out myself.


Well-known member
my "not tweezing them for a month" only lasted a week haha. i think maybe if i just tweeze outside where i want them, they'll slowly come in as thick as i want, only without the hideous ungroomed look.


Well-known member
I have a sick, unhealthy obsession with my eyebrows.... And everyone else's for that matter. It's the first thing I notice on other ppl.

I had thick eyebrows growing up, and I hated them! But I was way too scared to actually do anything about it, so I lived with it until about 15 or so.. took me a few years to perfect them, but I love my eyebrows now. I don't let anyone touch them! I've only had an eyebrow wax once but the fact that I had to let them grow in a little drove me absolutely insane, so I haven't been back since...


New member
I sooooo understand all of you who are obsessed. Goodness. my eyebrows were a disaster when i was growing up. hair everywhere. a forest gowing off my face. but then i started blucking. once i shaved half of them off by accident. disaster! but now they are more or less what i want them. yey


OMG I'm SOO obsessed with eyebrows! It's what I stare at when I meet a new person..xD

Kids used to make fun of my thick eyebrows when I was younger T__T so I became obsessed with them...now I'm okay..I could have beautiful eyebrows, I just need to thin them a bit...my mom hates me thinning them, but I don't care!

I'm really obsessed with them..


I have always had non existent eyebrows, just gets worse when I get older. I use brow powder, either Anastasia or MAC because it looks more natural than a pencil does. All of the makeup people seem to want to lighten my eyebrows
(think taupe) when I really need a brunette color. Matches my hair better.


Well-known member
Everybody I know makes fun of me for having such an obsession with them :[ My boyfriend purposely messes mine up just to see me get mad and run my fingers over them to make sure they're perfect. It's so so frustinggg.. I think a pretty girl with bad eyebrows just makes... a not so pretty girl. I probably spend more time on my eyebrows then on my foundation/face or lips or anything; they come second only to eyes.


Well-known member
i also love eyebrows and i always examinate people's, if your eyebrows suck no matter how pretty you are you'll look bad


Well-known member
I have really long eyebrow hairs which totally sucks because it's so hard to get them to lie a certain way without just plucking the hair out. I went a little overboard on the ends so now they are too thin and I am trying to grow them back a bit. I hate growing them in I always think I look horrible! The first time I got them threaded I grew them in for like a month or two before so she would be able to give me a really good shape and one of my friends was like "Rachael, you would look so much nicer if you did something with your eyebrows" and I was like no duh!! you think I like them like this??

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