Oily Hair


Active member
Are there any tricks other than applying Baby Powder to your hair to try and revive greasy hair without washing it?

My hair is very fine and thin and seems to get oily very quickly. I don't like washing it every day though because I blowdry and straighten it after every wash which takes time, fades my colour and dries my hair out.


Well-known member
I have the same problem. I've had a lot of luck with origins mint shampoo. My hair can go an extra day now because of this shampoo. I have highlights that are no longer fading and my scalp is no longer oily. It took about a week though. Also, when I went back to my usual shampoo, I got oily again. so now I only use the Origins one.


Well-known member
try not to use an overly drying, stripping shampoo and conditioner as ur hair will only try to replenish the lost moisture and end up being oilier than when u washed! its similar to your skin i guess... Try a light shampoo, shampoo twice and use a light conditioner..that should give u an extra day..and try not to apply an product on the upper 3rd of your hair (seeing as it will eventually touch your scalp, esp. on the hair on the back of your head) as this will obviously make it oily...