OJ Simpson..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
He lives near my brother's house...you should see when he goes out around the neighborhood....people treat him like a GOD...what???????

what the fuck? hes nothing. and now that not many people are talking about his trial anymore..he has to write this book to put himself in the spotlight again..YES HE IS AN IDIOT.


Well-known member
That is rediculous....yes I do feel sorry for his children as well I hope they disown him. Why would he want to talk about that if he is innocent?WTF? I am so confused about this.
The whole O.J trial was really baffling.I saw some of the graphic crime scene photos. You could see one small black dash(photoshop) covering the area over Nicole's neck, I guess her head was barely connected to her neck?
And then OJ is speeding down the freeway after it happens geee he is so innocent! What a bunch of crap.
I guess in America if you have 33 million dollars you can pay your way out of prison and the death penalty for murder.
F-ing rediculous.


Well-known member
did you guys hear now what the woman who published him/is doing his interview said?

she's like "oh, i was battered and abused, etc." and then she goes "i'm not doing this because i'm going to make money off of it, i'm trying to get a confession out of him," yeah right she isn't doing it for the money...please.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If she isn't going to make money off of it, she better be giving every last cent to a domestic violence cause or something similar.


Well-known member
from what i've heard, the actual publisher herself isn't planning on making any donations from the money she makes off of this. she tries to play it off like she's doing something good ("raising awareness") but she's really only in it for the money and i think it's really tacky of her to pass it off as anything else

props to Borders!


Well-known member
As much as its nice that they are donating money..the whole book idea is RIDICULOUS. ..it just seems like they want the book to be sold and by donating the $$, maybe people will buy the book? .. i dont know but this whole thing is just...i dont even know a word for it..fucking retarded sounds ok ..lol sorry i just think this whole thing is a bullshit scam for oj to get money and publicity since he hasnt been "in the spotlight" for a while


Active member
I've been researching this on the internet, and I found these two VERY HELPFUL sites... i was too young at the time to fully understand the trial, but now that i do... HOLEY MOLEY, GUYS. if you don't know about all of the damning evidence, i mean EVERY SINGLE PIECE, you totally should, it's LITERALLY disgusting. It makes me sick. Johnny Cochran is IN HELL right now, I'M SURE OF IT, after reading this bullsh-t. And OJ is poised for the Seventh Level, for sure!

The sites are:
http://www.justicejunction.com/judic...r_among_us.htm -- Details the Mountains of Evidence that were "not admissable in court" against OJ, and all that was included in the case as well, and a LETTER written to him a few years before the murder by Nicole Brown Simpson, breaking up with him for good, and explains the many times he cheated and beat her up very badly... Extremely sad, but very interesting.
http://www.bobaugust.com -- Explains many of the lies during the proceedings in crossexamination of eyewitnesses and other folks, including OJ's daughter from his first marriage, Kato Kaelin's lies, OJ's own MONUMENTAL lies, etc. BEWARE OF NSFW AUTOPSY/CRIME SCENE PHOTOS @ THIS SITE!! just a head's up!


Well-known member
Its super ridiculous isn't it? all that evidence.. but apparently it was "too much" I was young too and didn't pay attention to his trial. but I did read up on it recently and wow...thats all I have to say.. Wow.."Yeah my blood was at the crime scene.. their blood was on my car but seriously.. I didn't do it!"


Well-known member
OJ ran when the cops came just to take him in for questioning, i really think that should be evidence enough to get a conviction. innocent people don't run

i don't really remember (i was only 7 at the time) but i believe that Cochran argued that the LAPD offered "too much evidence" so that they must have been trying to frame him. but it's like, um hey dumbass, your client was stupid enough to leave all that evidence out in the open, of course the DA is going to use it against him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
OJ ran when the cops came just to take him in for questioning, i really think that should be evidence enough to get a conviction. innocent people don't run

i don't really remember (i was only 7 at the time) but i believe that Cochran argued that the LAPD offered "too much evidence" so that they must have been trying to frame him. but it's like, um hey dumbass, your client was stupid enough to leave all that evidence out in the open, of course the DA is going to use it against him.



Well-known member
i just read now that the book and tv show deal were nixed. i'm glad because we don't need that type of media polluting the airwaves & utilizing our trees! i was too young to understand the trial then but as my dad and i talk about what might have happened and what evidence were shown att, i think he is guilty as hell. and if he has some sort of morals or common decency left in him, he should just shut his mouth & live his life in oblivion. his actions just goes to show that money does not buy class. for this, he's an ---hole and a waste of fresh air!!


Well-known member
I just read on CNN that they are pulling the book and the tv show. There was to many complaints, and the families of the victims weren't very happy about the whole thing. I'm glad, because it was just straight tacky.


Well-known member
Defamer.com said it best when they wrote:
"...it much too late to redeem either publisher Judith Regan or Fox reality guru Mike Darnell, who have now officially secured themselves an eternal spot in a scalding, feces-filled, bubbling hot tub in Hell. (Simpson will be there too, of course, in a permanent, downward-facing tree yoga pose.)"

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