Okay so just about everybody here wears and loves makeup...


Well-known member
But did anyone happen to catch Tyra this morning? They had a woman on there who spent THREE hours everyday just on her MAKEUP. I'm not talking Foundation, Powder Lipgloss and go! She had to do a complete, full face before leaving her house. Fake eyelashes everyday, a full face of foundation and powder and blush, done up eyes and lips....just to like, go to the grocery store. So Tyra took her make up away for a day, and they had her wipe it all off, and she started CRYING. And she didn't wanna go out in public without her make up, and when she got outside, she cried then too. And she thinks she's ugly without her make up, even though she's a totally beautiful girl, great skin, pretty features. But without her makeup she's totally insecure.

So, what do we all think about that? Anybody here like that? Or know someone that is?


Well-known member
O no, that's soo sad!
I don't feel like that about make-up, but I do like wearing foundation because I blush easily, especially when I screw up! And then I blush so much that people notice and make comments (grrrrr) which makes me more insecure.
I think that's all kinda silly to think but it is the way I feel. So I feel better with foundation. And eyebrows, but I have invisible blond eyebrows naturally... so I prefer to do that as well


Well-known member
That poor woman probably has Body Dysmorphic Disorder, or something like it, because to be that dependent on m/u is not normal.
As far as my comfort level being away from makeup, lets put it this way - you'll never catch me camping or doing any activity where lugging along m/u is not an option or is something that will get me made fun of (When I was in high school and we went on class camping trips, I never heard the end of it when I brought along a mirror).


Well-known member
Like I have friends that absolutely have to have make up on, or they feel gross. But not where they're crying because they can't put their makeup on or whatever. Thats just insane to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
So is she pretty hideous w/o her makeup?

Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
....even though she's a totally beautiful girl, great skin, pretty features.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice

That's her opinion? I was hoping for a picture so I could see for myself, so you can roll those eyes on down the street.



Well-known member
I don't like to leave the house without at least my brows done, but I wouldn't freak out if I had to.

I agree with GalleyGirl, this is probably a deeper problem than it seems.


Well-known member
I rarely go out of my house without at least a bit of makeup on. I'm blonde and very fair skinned. If I'm just going out to run some errands or no where really important then I'll just wear some light foundation and powder. And I definitly won't go anywhere without mascara because my eye lashes are blonde, and I literally look sleepy and dead if I'm not wearing mascara. I've gone into work before early in the morning before we've opened and when I haven't had enough time to finish my makeup at home, and everyone always says I look so tired, blah blah blah, but as soon as I get some mascara on it's all better.

I definitly don't cry about it though


Well-known member
I dont have pictures of her, but trust me, she wasn't ugly at all. I know beauty is an objective thing that varies from person to person, but I'm brutally honest; if she was a beast I would have said so. She was very pretty with and without her make up. It was just a drastic change because her makeup was always SO heavy.


Well-known member
ooo i saw that just now, i watch the rerun at night. the girl wasn't ugly at all ... she could totally get away without ever wearin make-up. the only thing i would think of as a must have for her is shadin in her brows.

thats just crazy to me ... honestly i'm obsessed with make-up too but i'm more obsessed with buying it! i haven't used 75% of my MAC haha. I never wear foundation unless I go out dancing cuz I get really red lol. i mean putting make-up on is fun, but it's not a must have for me. in the morning i take a shower, put my sweats on and head to school!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
ooo i saw that just now, i watch the rerun at night. the girl wasn't ugly at all ... she could totally get away without ever wearin make-up. the only thing i would think of as a must have for her is shadin in her brows.

thats just crazy to me ... honestly i'm obsessed with make-up too but i'm more obsessed with buying it! i haven't used 75% of my MAC haha. I never wear foundation unless I go out dancing cuz I get really red lol. i mean putting make-up on is fun, but it's not a must have for me. in the morning i take a shower, put my sweats on and head to school!

exactly. she could get away with a bareface if she just filled in her brows. she was pretty! really great skin too.
like when i first got into make up i wanted to wear it all the time, but i didn't feel totally ugly without it, nor did i cry when i couldn't put it on.


Well-known member
I wouldn't cry. I just started wearing makeup, but I do feel I look completely different with it on. I look grown, instead of like a kid. I am slightly self conscious about my face ever since Studio Fix broke me out, but I love taking a break from the MU routine.


Well-known member
I have to wear a little bit a make-up. I will if I have to go without anything at all, but I feel terribly uncomfortable. I wouldn't cry. I feel very self concious without make-up. I think it's mostly because I got these two stupid dark spots from my birth control, and I HATE it. Anyways, I didn't see the episode...there are some people who just can't stand the way they look. Oprah had a whole show about it, and what's crazy is that these people aren't ugly. Maybe she has that disorder like somebody else said.


Well-known member
makeup is a must for me before i leave the house. No matter how late i am, i HAVE to add something to my face...and no lipgloss itself won't do. im not insecure about my face and features or anything but it just makes me feel so much more happy and strong. Like with makeup on for me, it boosts up my self confidence- which i usually lack.
But yea, if i had to leave my front door without any makeup on, i wouldn't do a Tyra and have a mental breakdown or anything...


Well-known member
usually for day to day work i only wear chapstick and mascara since i have to get up soo early i dont really feel like doing much else.haha

but yeah it seems sad that she thinks shes that ugly to were she has to wear all that makeup all the time its like a mask for her to hide behind


Well-known member
make up for me too is a must
on holiday my friend insisted on wearing full make up to the beach and she came out all spotty lol
i was ok enough to not wear make up as within seconds i would of sweated it off anyway lol
couldnt really care on holiday as my hair wasnt perfect either
but here hmmm im not sure i could go out with no make up certainly wouldnt cry but would feel really insecure like everyone was looking at me and they probs wernt

just to add day to day including weekends i just wear foundation/concelaler/blush/eyeliner and mascara thats it but it makes me feel better i have bad under eye circles


Well-known member
I'm an eyeliner junkie. I will not go anywhere w/out it.

Minimum I'll wear to leave my house:

Foundation, blush, liner. Takes me all of 20 minutes to put it on...

I use StudioFix, but I put it in very lightly. I've actually been spraying Fix+ on the foundation on my palette to water it down and have it go on fairly sheer. I use the 187. I dont have bad skin, can't remember the last time I've really had a zit. So I dont use foundation to cover anything up, I just use it to lightly even out my skin tone as I I do have a little bit of blotchy ness from my BC not to mention freckles here and there. Mostly on my nose. On top of that I do some powder buffed in with my 182. Then I use Porcilin Pink MSF, and peachykeen blush. Takes me about 10 min max to do all this if I'm really focused. Maybe more if I'm teasing my cat who is typically sitting in my sink while I get ready in the morning.

Then I just grab my eyeliner and line my eyes, and I'm good to go. I'll prolly use chapstick instead of any gloss, for my really basic looks. Which i just throw on in the car while I'm driving.

I can take longer, up to an hour if I'm doing my eyes, or a more dramatic look. Just depends on my mood, what I'm doing, and where I'm going


Well-known member
I usually only go without makeup if I'm just popping into town or something. But I had a weird skin thing happen on my eyebrow a few months ago and a bunch of my eyebrow fell out... So I usually fill them in. And then mascara because I think it looks dumb (on me anyway) to have filled in brows without mascara. That's my minimum. The longest I would ever spend on makeup would be two hours. And that would either be playing around or for something like my boy's grad.

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