OLD FOTD's - like REALLY old *picture Heavy*


Active member
Son_Risa, you are just amazing! Your looks, color combos, and just ideas in general are so unique=) You really inspire me to get better! Even back when you first started you were really great, although I love how you wear less foundation now. You always look like you're glowing!


Well-known member
awesome looks!!


Well-known member
Chiming in with a predictable "these are so not bad" comment. I do see a significant difference in your foundation, and more seamless blending, etc. It's encouraging to see evidence that someone with your skill can get even better!

I only started wearing makeup regularly a few years ago so... yeah. Talk about embarrassing.


Active member
I see what you mean about some of the earlier pictures and how you have improved (i.e. colour placement and blending or lack thereof). You have a gorgeous face and thanks for posting these pictures. You are an inspiration. I really love your birthday makeup!!! Keep up the good work.


Well-known member
In my wildest dreams I could never aspire to even your worst ever FOTDs lol! Thanks for posting these, though, because it's really inspirational for the rest of us to see that someone with a talent like yours still had to work to hone your skills. Great stuff, and you're a beautiful lady no matter what makeup you have on!


Well-known member
^welcome indiagirl!
SonRisa, its amazing and inspiring to see how much you've improved while going thru a hard time in your life. Keep it coming, Spectra loves you!!


Well-known member
I like the brown eye a lot, nice color combination. I can see how some of your technique was still developing, and I'm going to guess that you either weren't wearing foundation that day or put eyeshadow on after?

I also like the chromezone 1 look. I perhaps wouldn't do such a harsh line for the liner, although with your eyes being of such color as they morph, it's not bad for you. I particularly like the eye-lip pairing on that one. Application of the mascara after the look was completed would have completed it more elegantly- prevents the eyeshadow debris on the lashes, but like you said- developing technique still.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing you do tutorials for those two, I think they would be handy and that others would find them useful.


while you have gotten a lot better, these are far from "bad". :) it makes me cringe when i look back on my work from the _makeupstudio_ days, but we've all gotta start somewhere, i suppose. (;


Well-known member
Thanks so much for starting this thread. :p

You have really shown us how much you have grown and how we all can grow too with practice.


Thanks Risa!!


Well-known member
wow risa so purdy

i love these and i am glad u've posted them u have improved sooooooo much but u were still very talented back then

ur such a hottie


Well-known member
Did you wear more foundation then? Your freckles [which I think are so unbelievably amazing] look less prominant.

And yeah your "old, bad" fotd's are better than my best ones now haha.


Well-known member
Hi I wanted to say I thought all of these were beautiful but I can definitely see the difference from then until now, and that really inspires me because I practice so so much. I am constantly trying to find new ppl (or I should call them prey) that will still let do their makeup. And of course I am always practicing on myself, sometimes I get really discouraged, so seeing this really makes me realize that everyone starts somewhere and your not going to have "perfect" (and I consider your present FOTD's perfect btw) application and blending immediately. Practice makes perfect! Thank You so Much for this!!

After all of that my question is:

1.) What do you do now that you didn't do then or what didn't you do then that you do do now (if that makes sense)????

2.) How long did it take before you really started noticing major differences and progress??

3.) How do you decide on e/s color placements??

4.) What is something you would still love to improve on even now?? (if it's possible to get any better)

5.) And last what would be your biggest "improvement" tip or piece of advice (eye related) or anything really??

Thanks Again for this great inspiring thread!!


Well-known member
You're beautiful.

My favourite is the:

"HA! I was actually proud of this at one point. This was day I got hired with MAC. I didn't wear this to my interview, but the night of when we went out to celebrate. I still like the concept, but the application SUCKS. Blue Storm and Bright Fuschia pigments with White Frost eyeshadow." one


Well-known member
Well I am very happy to hear that I will improve with time, but I honestly don't see anything bad about any of those pics................and after reading the replies I am so relieved I am not alone on that.

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