omg so angry and sad


Well-known member
omg omg omg omg so furious and sad and feel stupid all at once...the other day when i was making a new brush stand with some little floral crystals and a basically a vase ..i started putting my brushes in there and the crystals started overflowing being lazy ..i took the cup over my little trash can and tipped the excess crystals out.....

well when i tipped the excess out a few of my brushes fell into the trash biggie the trash can was new ..all it had was some carboard packaging from some makeup items i bought i fished all my brushes out ...OR SO I THOUGHt =( ... my mini 187 LE from the heirloms brush set i guess was still in there forward too today putting my makeup on ..and i can't find my mini 187 ..... well im like oh its prolly in my trash can ..i look at my can ..and it's been Emptied !!!! and i didn't empy it hubby did ...omg so mad ..but not at him ..he was jsut being nice and talking out the trash ...

but omg im so furious at myself and sad ..i bought that damn brush set specifically for the mini 187 ...omg cries i seriously have tears welling up .... and the trash was already picked up ..and then again i wouldnet even be out on the italian streets picking out trash lol ...

OMg im just so mad at myself for being lazy ...and i want to blame my hubby and be mad at him ..i even screamed at him saysing omg don't take out my trash if its not full lol ...

then i said sorry didnt know ...gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsd;lgfkajhdgilasdghasdlgkhsd

sorry just had to vent


Well-known member
I know what you mean.....I had a similar experience with an expensive pair of earrings. I thought I had removed them from the box it came in and put them in my jewelry armoire and threw the box in the trash. My husband emptied the garbage can that night. The next morning when I went to put them on I couldn't find them. I went to my husband and explained to him what had happened and let out a few crocodile tears. He felt sorry for me, went dumpster diving and found the earrings....(luckily for me it was not trash day) I love that man!!


Well-known member
On the bright side, you get to maybe go to the MAC store again!

But I want to cry too and anyone of us would be the same =(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
On the bright side, you get to maybe go to the MAC store again!

But I want to cry too and anyone of us would be the same =(

sad thing is ..i ordered it online ...i live in italy and because we are military we have an apo po box adress ..that allows me to order some stuff online and pay in dollars and regular shipping but everything takes forever to get here min of about 2 weeks sometimes about a month heh ..when im lucky it maight take 10 days ..but my christmas haul took about 3 weeks to get to me ..le sigh ... i don't think i would try ordering anything online and send it to my actual italian adress ..i hear customs takes forever ...I have never been to my nearest mac counter here ..its about an hour away in venice ...and I definetly wont be paying in EURO omgz lol ...ah well ..hopefully i can find one for sale on specktra lols ..hehe

thanks for letting me vent everyone ..


Well-known member
same here, at least you know your brush was in the trash can. I don't even know where is my #316 now. I searched all over the house but couldn't find it. =[