i agree, that is obscene! i have new vegas and it just sits in my drawer, not even tugging at my heart at all. i just bought it for the sake of collection and i'm not willing to pay that amount of money on an item ever -- not even for that pleasureflush msf or brassy pigment i've been hunting!!
how is that any different than any number of people we see who post here and at MUA and the LiveJournal and Yahoo groups who buy things just to have them??? they NEVER wear them because the colour doesn't look right on them, but it was LE and heaven knows one MUST have every LE item out there, right???
People can spend their money however they wish. It is not for me to judge. Look at my traincase; I'm the last person who should say something about money spent on makeup.
I just find it a bit disgusting that someone would charge $105 or $165 for a product they bought for $26 (or less if they had a Pro card). I would rather spend $165 on a number of products, rather than one. That is just my personal preference.