one freaking hundred and freaking five freaking dollars

Cool Kitten

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I just find it a bit disgusting that someone would charge $105 or $165 for a product they bought for $26 (or less if they had a Pro card).

i don't see a difference between a person charging $100 for a highly sought after item and a make-up company charging $30 for an eye shadow that cost them maybe a couple of dollars to produce.
If people are willing to pay that much for something then that's how much it's worth it to them.


Well-known member
Dude. And I thought it was crazy when people were selling Parrot for like $75! I mean, I like MSFs, but I'd never pay more than retail for one.


Well-known member
Hotpinkgloss8, it's a LE MSF. Err... I mean a limited edition Mineralize Skinfinish.

I have a question: What is so special ablout Pleasureflush? I'm just wondering. Was it that limited? Is it such a special color? I got it for the normal retail price at my local counter and yes it's nice... but I dont understand what that fuss is all about.160$...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
....I have a question: What is so special ablout Pleasureflush? I'm just wondering. Was it that limited? Is it such a special color? I got it for the normal retail price at my local counter and yes it's nice... but I dont understand what that fuss is all about.160$...

It is one of the first two colours that came out. The first two MSFs that were released were Pleasureflush and Gold Deposit from the Rococco collection in 04. They were LE.

They are just really rare now due to the time of their release. MSFs really weren't appreciated as much back then as they are now and I think a lot of people just want to get what they missed out on. Pleasureflush is a beautiful MSF, as is Gold Deposit. But for me, not a $165 beautiful. HTH


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cool Kitten
i don't see a difference between a person charging $100 for a highly sought after item and a make-up company charging $30 for an eye shadow that cost them maybe a couple of dollars to produce.
If people are willing to pay that much for something then that's how much it's worth it to them.

True....what people will pay for it is what it is worth. I was simply stating my personal preference. In my personal opinion, sure some mark up is necessary, but I do not like to pay the additional, grossly inflated mark up for a perishable product.


Well-known member
Bah, i got all mine on MUA and i didn't have to swap very much for them.

Sadly, naked you BUSTED in my makeup bag, so i'm on the hunt for another, but I would never pay that kind of money for a piece of glitter baked powder that i would stop using like...a week after i got it.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

You've got to be kidding me.
That shit had better remove crow's feet, cure acne, and give me the cure for cancer before I pay 105 bucks for it.

Good grief.

sorry i find that pretty funny
but i do agree with you, some people got more money than sense buying new vegas for $$$.$$


Active member
it wasnt all that in my opinion either!! in fact i just sold mine another web site for $20, and i didnt think anyone would buy it for that much either! but i guess alot of people like it


Well-known member
Not about New Vegas, but instead of starting a new thread, I thought I'd post here.

It's been on my list to get, but I didn't think it was that awesome: Goldbit's going for $52.99 w/ 3+ hours left....
Am I missing out that much? Really?! I can almost justify it for De Menthe (if I had that much moola), but Goldbit?....?!?!?!?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HOTasFCUK
Didn't a Judy Blue eyeshadow go for over $300 once? I've also seen pleasureflush at $160!!!!

I've seen Pleasureflush go for $200 before. More than once, too. Insaine!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
....Sadly, naked you BUSTED in my makeup bag....

You carry your MSF in your makeup bag? You like living on the edge!
Mine never leaves the house. When I do pick it up, I carry it like a vile of volatile chemicals that would explode and kill me if I dropped them. Very cautious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by birki
i just swapped my pleasureflush (backup) away ..heh

just curious, what did you get for it?


wow, it's amazing the influence scarcity has on us. Once a product is unattainable we want it more than ever. No wonder why MAC makes things LE otherwise we would procrastinate getting most collections.